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Page 88

Hector and Noah walked in carrying the last of the boxes. Hector put his down on the floor looking into it then turned back to Bianca. “You play chess?”

“It’s been a while but I used to be pretty good.”

“You should play Hector sometime,” Gio said, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. “But I gotta warn you.” He stopped to kiss the side of her face. “Unless you’re at like genius level, he’ll probably beat you.” Gio tsked. “Total waste.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Hector rolled his eyes. “Let me know if you ever wanna play. If anything I could show you a few tricks.” He turned his attention back to Gio. “We done here?”

“Why?” Abel asked. “You got a date or something?”

Hector bounced his brows with a sexy grin so reminiscent of his older brother’s. They both looked so much alike it was uncanny.

Gio laughed. “Yeah, thanks for helping out, man. We’re done here.”

One by one they were all thanked as they made their exit. Bianca closed the door after the last ones, Roni and Noah, left. When she turned around, Gio pinned her against the door and kissed her softly then pulled away. “Now that we have our own place, what do you say we go to Vegas and get hitched.”

Bianca’s mouth fell open and she stared at him. “Oh my God. Your mother said you’d do this. She does know you like the back of her hand.”

Gio’s head fell back. “She got to you first, huh? Damn it. I should’ve known.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Let me guess. She made you promise we wouldn’t elope.”

Bianca tilted her head to the side. “It’s not really what I’d want to do.” His expression fell making her cup his face and kiss him. “I do wanna get married. I just don’t want to elope. I want my mom and grandma there. And I don’t need a big reception but I would like a little something. Don’t you want all your friends there?”

Gio smiled that smile that made his green eyes so vibrant they almost sparkled. “If that’s a yes—you’ll marry me, then we can do it anyway you want.”

“Yes,” she whispered, amazed how the butterflies never stopped anymore when she was around him.

He picked her up so suddenly she squeaked and they both laughed. She wrapped her legs around his waist kissing him wildly like she almost only ever did in private. “Let’s go break in our new bedroom.”

Bianca smiled inwardly as Gio began walking. Gio had this thing about how innocent she seemed compared to most girls. She agreed, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have it in her to be risky as long as Gio was okay with it. And so far he had been.

This wouldn’t be the first time they’d do it in this apartment. Just days ago when they started moving in the smaller things, they’d known the guys would be there any minute and the front door was unlocked. They’d broken in the kitchen counter. It wasn’t as risky as a men’s public restroom but it’d been just as hot. Bianca could hardly wait to break in the rest of the apartment, including the stairs outside.

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