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Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X #1)

Page 50

He hesitated. “I don’t know. It’s not my concern.”

“It should be! A prætorian elected by something that strong? That kind of combination is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.”

Justin decided it probably wasn’t a good time to bring up Mae’s nigh-perfect genes.

“She needs to deal with whatever’s following her,” continued Callista. “She needs to either embrace it and get some control or else get rid of it.”

“I don’t even think she knows it’s there,” he said.

“Well, she should. You should enlighten her.” She seemed to calm down a little and poured more wine for both of them. “It’s fitting that you’ve found this path, you know. There’s no better advocate than someone who used to persecute believers. Do you know the Christian story of Paul?”

“Of course I do. And don’t use the past tense. I still ‘persecute’ believers.”

“You let me off,” she said softly. “And that was before I slept with you.”

He said nothing right away. Neither of those past actions had been smart. “You were the first person I ever saw who…” Even now, he couldn’t give voice to it. It was something he’d kept buried inside all these long years, the secret he’d told no one. The secret that could have worse consequences than what he’d already faced.

“Who showed proof of the supernatural?” Callista said.

“I’d lose my job for that,” he said. “Or worse.”

“Your secret’s safe with me. I could tell then you had the signs of an elect. The potential for power wreathed you. But you had no god then. Who do you serve?”

“I don’t serve anyone, Internal Security aside.”

“But you’ve got something with you,” she insisted. “It isn’t blatantly out of control like hers, but I can sense it.”

“It’s unwanted,” he said.

That hurts, said Horatio.

“And I don’t know who,” Justin added. “As I’m often told, gods don’t like to give up their names.”

Callista reached across the table and put her hand over his. “I’d be happy to help you explore…a number of things.”

He smiled but didn’t take back his hand. “Thanks, but—”

“Callista!” A man came frantically tearing out of her bedroom door. “Juan and Eduardo are unconscious, and the castal woman’s gone!”

“What?” Callista jumped to her feet. “Get the others and find out where—”

“Relax,” came a smooth voice from the darkness. “I’m right here.”

Mae strolled out of the shadows of the nearby trees, a gun in her hand and displaying a casualness that made Justin despondently think she’d been at ease there for a while. And, judging from the look on her face, she’d also overheard a number of things she shouldn’t have.

Well, said Horatio optimistically. It had to happen sooner or later.



“My job’s to protect him,” Mae told Callista in a voice that chilled the warm night. “Admittedly, I didn’t really realize what kind of danger he was in.”

Justin had the grace to look embarrassed, but Mae wasn’t sure exactly what part of the madness she’d just heard was responsible for it. It could’ve been anything from the part where he had slept with a cult leader to him admitting he was a believer in the supernatural. For now, she couldn’t spare the mental energy to process it all, not when Callista’s guard held a gun and others were coming.

“I thought we were here to track down a ritual murderer,” added Mae.

That actually seemed to startle Callista. She turned to Justin. “What?”

He sighed and apparently decided to just make the best of the mess he was in. “Call off your dogs and let Mae join us. Secrecy’s blown, and she already knows what I’ve come to talk to you about.”

Callista gave Mae a long, considering look. “If she puts away the gun.”

Mae glanced at the guard. “Him first.”

Callista gave a small nod, and he lowered his weapon. Several moments later, Mae followed suit. Callista dismissed her reluctant guard and beckoned Mae over to sit.

“I can get you a glass.” Despite the offer, Callista didn’t sound nearly as hospitable as she had for Justin. Had Justin really slept with her? Had he liked it? Mae refused to speculate.

“No thanks.”

Callista shrugged. “Suit yourself. Now what’s this about murders?”

Justin looked like he wanted to sink into the ground—as well he should have—but recovered himself enough to begin explaining the story. He told Callista everything. Everything. Even the part about the video they weren’t supposed to talk about. Whatever regard Mae had developed for Justin began to crumble away as he spilled secrets to this zealot-turned-lover.

When he finished, Callista took her time to process his words. “So. You’ve come to me because you think I might know something about a moon deity whose followers wield silver daggers.” She gave him a sidelong look. “Or maybe you think I serve one.”

“Probably not,” he said. Mae wondered if he’d used his brilliant deductive skills to come to that conclusion or was simply too blinded by her.

Callista chuckled, though there was no amusement in her eyes. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. And no, I don’t know about this. I have no reason to kill patricians.” Her eyes rested meaningfully on Mae as she said that. “I don’t know of any other group who’d do something like this either…but I’d be very interested in finding out more. There’s power in blood. You could be dealing with a very, very strong deity.”

“So you favor a cult over a vengeful geneticist?” he asked.

“Why are they mutually exclusive? I wouldn’t mind a few genetically perfect followers. The gods are choosing their elect. You think they choose randomly? There’s a reason you were chosen. Both of you,” Callista added reluctantly.

Mae couldn’t take it anymore. “Are you seriously saying these make-believe entities of yours are part of this case? That they’re interfering in our lives? It’s insanity!” She could perhaps understand it from Callista, but Justin? That was still the mind blower, and Mae secretly hoped to find out everything he’d said was just part of a clever ploy to reel the other woman in.

“You of all people should take this seriously,” said Callista. Her condescending tone irritated Mae further. “And if you don’t want anything to do with this ‘insanity,’ you need to break out fast. Find out who’s trying to control you and sever their power.”

“How?” asked Justin, as though that were actually a real thing.

“Gods consolidate their power in places and people. Breaking belief is the biggest way to hurt one. You do that by disbanding their followers. Gods need people to believe in them. Could be as simple as someone like you revoking a license.” Callista considered. “Or it may take more drastic means. Destroy their place of worship. Take out some of their leaders. Once the followers start to stray, the god weakens. It’s why they’re all scrambling right now to build their power—and followers.”

“Enough of this,” said Mae, unwilling to hear more. If Justin wasn’t going to do his job, then she would do it for him. “Can you or can’t you give us any leads on this killer?”

Callista shot her a glare. “I told you: I don’t know who would do this. No matter what you believe about the faithful, most of us don’t embrace bloodshed. Those who do wouldn’t share that fun fact with others. I don’t think it’s that far-fetched that a god would want genetically superior servants. I do think it’s weird that he or she would then kill them off.”

“You said blood is power,” Justin reminded her.

“Yes, but the choice of victim is a waste. A god could take a sacrifice from any number of other sources.”

Justin caught his breath. “Like a bunch of plebeians.”

He met Mae’s eyes, and for a moment, she forgot about all the reasons she had to be upset with him right now. If Callista was right, if crazy groups sacrificed for imaginary power, then Justin might very well have one piece of the puzzle.

“Do you know any groups, any at all, that could be worth checking out?” Justin asked, his voice urgent. “Ones I wouldn’t know about.”

The unlicensed ones, Mae realized. The ones that operated in the shadows. Like this one.

Callista met his gaze levelly. “Justin, there are a lot of groups you don’t know about. There’s been a surge in them over the last few years. I could give you at least two dozen groups with ties to the moon and some obsession with blood and silver. You think you can check them all out in the next week and a half?”

“You could if you turned the list over to SCI,” said Mae pointedly. “They could send out other servitors.”

“And pick me up along the way, no doubt,” said Callista.

Justin shook his head. “We won’t do it that way. Send me what you can, and I’ll see if I can make any connections between that and the other evidence. If I get any hits, can you help me find where they’re hiding?”

“Some of them.”

“Okay. We should go.” He stood up and glanced at Mae, who immediately rose as well. “I think we have a lot to talk about. Thank you for your help—and, uh, timely intervention.”

Callista joined them and caught hold of Justin’s hand. “Be careful. There are dark forces at work, and I’d hate to lose my favorite servitor.”

“You know, Geraki calls me that too. I’m glad I have such a great reputation.”

“Geraki…” Callista arched an eyebrow. “I haven’t heard from him in a while. He might have some answers for you.”

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