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Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X #1)

Page 43

“Are you serious?” Poppy looked her over. “Wow, you are. Look, this isn’t a date. It’s church. It’s broad daylight. Even your provincial hang-ups can’t have a problem with that. It’s not like you’re going to go make out in an abandoned building. And besides, this is Rhea’s brother. He’s cool.”

Poppy always talked about Tessa’s provincial habits as though they were cute, not primitive. Usually, Tessa conceded to her friend’s advice, but this involved a line Tessa didn’t think she could cross. It didn’t matter if it was daylight or public. Going out alone with a boy was completely unheard of in Panama. Even if Tessa knew it was fine by Gemman standards and not really that dangerous, old teachings were hard to shake.

She made herself feel better by calling Cynthia after school and asking permission.

“You want to go to church?” Cynthia was out somewhere and answered with voice only, but Tessa could imagine her incredulous expression.

“Is it okay?” Tessa hesitated before delivering the big blow. “It’s with a guy. Alone.”

“Is he thirty or something?”

“No. He’s in my grade.”

“Then go with my blessing. Learn something wholesome.”

Cynthia wasn’t exactly the authority figure Tessa’d originally believed she was. Justin had recently called his sister out on that, asking if she was doing a good job in parenting Tessa. Cynthia had been indignant. “What’s there to parent? She does her homework right after school and helps with dishes. You give me more trouble than she does. The most rebellious thing she does is walk to school with that delinquent.”

And so, Tessa soon found herself riding into downtown with Dennis. Maybe he was Rhea’s brother, but he didn’t have much in common with her—much to Tessa’s relief. Dennis seemed as shy as Tessa felt and did his part to help along their awkward small talk. He at least seemed genuinely interested in Tessa’s background and, much like Poppy, didn’t find it anything to be ashamed of.

“My parents like us to go twice a week,” he explained to Tessa, switching back to the topic of church. “They think it develops character.”

“Rhea goes too?”

“No, she just says she does, and I cover for her.” He laughed to himself. “They’re able to make her go while she’s suspended. It’s probably the worst part of the punishment for her.”

Although the Church of Humanity had worship centers everywhere, its main cathedral was in downtown Vancouver. The videos Tessa had watched of services had been in places that typified Gemman public areas: simple, clean, bright. She’d expected the same of the cathedral, just on a larger scale. So, it was a surprise to walk into the building and find that it resembled some of the churches back in Panama.

The most notable part, to Tessa, was the abundance of wood and marble, providing an aged look so different from the modernity of everything else in the RUNA. The vaulted ceiling was arched, and large windows allowed afternoon sunlight to pour into the nave and onto its ornate wooden pews. Pillars lined the sides of the room, coming together in more pointed arches. Tessa almost felt as though she’d been transported to some other country until she saw the media screens scattered throughout the space. That was more in line with what she expected. She and Dennis sat down about halfway back in the pews, allowing her to notice one more notable feature: There were no symbols or pictures of any kind, aside from the Gemman flag.

“Only about half-full today,” Dennis told her. “More people come on the weekends.”

“It’s beautiful,” she said. It might have been the most beautiful thing she’d seen since coming to the RUNA. “All of this, for no god. It’s so strange.”

“Why?” he asked, looking legitimately puzzled.

“It’s just how I was raised, that’s all.”

“You worshipped a god?”

It sounded weird when he put it that way. “My family did.”

“Which god?”

“Er, God, I guess.”

The officiant began the service. He actually wore the kind of elaborate robes she’d seen on other priests, though these were done in the Gemman national colors. Dennis leaned close to whisper in her ear, “Sometimes on the weekends, Angela herself officiates here.”

Tessa didn’t know who Angela was and mostly felt startled at Dennis’s proximity. It didn’t send any thrills of attraction through her. It was just something she had absolutely no experience with.

Everyone stood and sang the national anthem, and then the officiant urged them to take their seats again. He welcomed the congregation and launched into his talk. And that’s what it was: a talk. Or maybe “lecture” was a better term. It certainly wasn’t a sermon. In fact, as the screens lit up, showing a bulleted list, Tessa felt as though she were back in school.

Today’s topic was contraception and how it was necessary for an effective society. Hearing sex discussed so openly in a church made Tessa blush—especially while sitting next to Dennis.

The officiant’s powerful voice rang throughout the cathedral, as powerful as that of any priest Tessa had heard. “A society that creates planned and purposeful children is a superior society. We aren’t like the provinces, with packs of children running underfoot in families that can’t afford to feed and clothe them.”

Tessa would’ve almost taken offense, but she’d already grown used to the astonished looks she received when revealing she had four sisters. Gemman women were usually sterilized when they reached their standard allotment: two children, unless they definitively proved that their social and financial means could support more. Even then, four was the maximum. No exceptions. Justin had explained to her how the castes constantly challenged this law and lobbied for the removal of those limits. “They think their non-Cain members should be allowed to breed like dogs,” he’d told her.

“The law ensures we keep ourselves strong and orderly, though occasionally girls slip through the cracks,” the officiant said, raising his hands for drama. “If you know of anyone who has dodged the fourteen law, do your civic duty and report it immediately.”

Tessa knew the law. Girls were required to get contraceptive implants when they turned fourteen, unless they hit puberty earlier. No legal doctor would remove the implant until the woman turned twenty, at which point she had the freedom to get pregnant. With a jolt, Tessa suddenly realized she had no implant. She wasn’t trying to dodge any law; it had just never come up. Maybe no one cared about non-Gemman citizens “breeding like dogs.” Regardless, it was a moot point. Tessa had no intention of having sex any time soon.

Contraception laws were so ingrained into Gemman society that the officiant was able to keep his advocacy brief. The congregation already believed. He was simply reaffirming what they were doing—how good it was, how smart, how superior. He also mentioned the government and national identity a lot. He reminded everyone how lucky they were and how wise their country’s leaders were. Looking around her, Tessa could see it on everyone’s faces: rapture and adoration for the jewel of the world.

The service closed with the anthem again, and Tessa left with Dennis. “I was wrong,” she murmured. “There is a god. The RUNA itself. All that beauty and splendor to inspire wonder in its citizens.”

Dennis frowned. “What are you talking about?”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. Thank you for bringing me.” She knew he wouldn’t understand. He’d been born into that propaganda and couldn’t even imagine any other way of life. And it wasn’t a bad way of life, she admitted to herself. She’d seen firsthand what the officiant warned about: unplanned pregnancies and excess children, some of whom were abandoned. The message was fine. It was the way it was delivered that amazed her.

Dennis gave her a tentative smile as they walked to the subway station. He seemed to have forgotten about her potentially being a member of a dangerous cult. “Did Poppy tell you about the concert we’re going to next week? It’s Vital Lucidity.”

Tessa couldn’t even begin to parse what he’d said. “Vital Lucidity?”

“They’re a band. An awesome one. They’re playing outdoors at Westfield Plaza. A bunch of us are going, and I could pick you up and bring you.”

“Is this a date?” she asked. She felt blunt and stupid asking outright but figured this was a matter that required complete clarification.

He shuffled his feet and looked away. “I guess so. If you don’t want to—”

“I do,” she said. “That is, I just have to ask permission.” A concert like he described would have been out of the question in Panama, and she was curious to go, even if she didn’t entirely understand what Vital Lucidity was. It couldn’t be too dangerous, especially if Poppy was going, but once more, her instincts wouldn’t let her go unchaperoned without permission. “I’ll let you know soon.”

That satisfied Dennis, and he gave her another smile. “Cool.”

They parted ways later, and Tessa walked back to the house with her mind full of questions. She hoped Justin wouldn’t be too late tonight, because she wanted to dissect what she’d seen at the church. He was as hip-deep in Gemman rhetoric as anyone else around here, but he was probably the only person who might be able to understand her observations.

He actually came home early for a change, shortly after dinner. “No travel,” he explained. “Just some local licenses. Only two more big trips left, and then hell if I know what’s going to happen.” That last part was more to himself, and Tessa was afraid to ask him to elaborate. She knew he was working on something a lot bigger than standard servitor work, something that he and Mae often spoke about in hushed tones. Whatever it was, it kept him away a lot, and although Tessa understood that was his job, she missed talking the way they used to.

He wandered off toward the study he’d claimed as his office, and she deliberated over whether to bother him about her church day or not. Finally, deciding he couldn’t complain about her exploring the society he’d brought her to, she followed. She heard voices when she reached his door and started to turn back, realizing he was on a call. Her curiosity was piqued when she recognized one of the voices as Dominic’s, and going against all her good breeding, she hovered just behind the ajar door and peered in.

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