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Forgiving Lies

Page 56

“We’re taking his?”

“Bigger cab.” Kash shrugged and got me situated in the passenger seat. After he shut the door he spoke softly enough to Mason that I couldn’t hear what they were saying, and then he jogged around to the driver’s side.

“There’s a lot of food in here. You went shopping?”

He grinned before reversing out of the spot. “You were gone for a long time today.”

I turned to look in the backseat again and shook my head, my mouth still partially open. I couldn’t believe that he’d planned a trip for us, and to go through all of this? “But, Kash, there’s like . . . a lot of food here. I guess it’s safe to say we aren’t going to a hotel . . . or a bed-and-breakfast?”

“Eh. There aren’t many places to eat where we’re going. Well, there’s one, but other than that you have to drive a ways. But I don’t plan on leaving where we’ll be.” His gray eyes darkened and he flashed that arrogant smirk I loved before squeezing my thigh and leaving his hand there.

I instantly hated Mason’s truck for having a center console. From Kash’s throaty laugh and the way he began sucking on his lip ring, he knew I was frustrated. And he knew why.

“How long will it take us to get there?”

“Anxious?” He raised an eyebrow and winked. “An hour or less.”

Drumming the fingers of my left hand on the center console, I worried my bottom lip and studied his profile as he drove. “Drive fast.”


I LOOKED OVER at Rachel, who was practically pressed up against the window as we drove through the country. She’d originally laughed and asked why I was taking her to Florence, Texas . . . but the farther into Florence we drove, the wider her eyes got. And I couldn’t wait to see how she’d react when we finally got to The Vineyard. From all the pictures on their website, it was gorgeous property and secluded. Out in the middle of nowhere. Hardly any cell phone service. Perfect for hiding Rachel from this guy who Mason and I now knew was stalking her for reasons that made me want to hide Rachel forever, but I knew I couldn’t.

As soon as I’d heard Marvin Cross say the name West that day, I was done. Mason had continued to watch for him as I’d made countless calls, looked up dozens of secluded places close by that could easily be passed off as a romantic getaway, and then went about getting everything ready. It was one thing for the girl who meant everything to me to have been raped by someone she was close to. It was another thing entirely to have someone stalking her. But to have the guy who raped her hiring people to track and stalk her? That was crossing a line that was sure to blow my cover.

I was already pushing it with the department taking these three nights off, but Mason was picking up my slack, and I was thankful. Mase and I hoped by taking Rachel away for a little bit, this guy posing as her dad would cut back on hanging around the apartment and following her wherever she went, but only time would tell.

Slowing down when The Vineyard came into view, I turned onto the property and drove to the main building to check us in and grab the keys. As soon as I was in the car, Rachel started talking again.

“Are we going wine tasting? Kash, you told me I didn’t need to dress up!”

“We’re not going—”

“Oh my word!” She gasped. “This place is . . . oh . . . wow. Look at this.”

I leaned onto the steering wheel as we passed the gates and slowly drove down the dirt path. I had to agree with Rachel. Damn. Pictures didn’t do it justice. We began driving past the villas and pulled into a smaller one that we would be staying in for the next few days. As soon as I parked the car, I turned to look at her and couldn’t help but laugh through my smile. Her eyes were bigger than a kid’s on Christmas morning. Her hand was covering her mouth, which was still open from gasping at everything, and she was looking back and forth between the villa and me.

“Is this where we’re staying?” She spoke softly behind her hand, like she was in awe. I just nodded and enjoyed watching her take it in. “Kash, it’s beautiful. I can’t believe we’re staying here! This whole place is beautiful.”

“Well, do you want to see the inside, or do you want to sleep in the car and just admire it from out here?”

She smacked my arm and hopped out of the truck, bouncing up on the balls of her feet as she waited for me to join her. “When did you do this?”

“I told you, you were gone for a long time today.”

Her expression was deadpan for all of three seconds before brightening again. “Come on, I want to see the inside!”

Kissing the top of her head, I led her around to a side door and let us in. Even I was shocked by what we walked in on. I’d seen the pictures of our villa, but this was insane. The villa matched the vineyard, and it was as if we’d stepped into Italy, but out back was the best view of nothing but pure country.

I could get used to this.

Rachel was turning slowly, with her mouth still wide open, so I told her to go look around and went back out to the truck to start bringing everything in. I was finishing up putting all of the food on the kitchen counter when I heard her clear her throat behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I shot a confused look at the face she was making. “Uh . . . do you not like the rest of it?”

Her blue eyes sparkled as she fought off a grin. “Oh no, I do. It’s gorgeous here. The bedroom’s my favorite.”

I couldn’t even come back with a suggestive remark like I wanted to. She was still looking at me weird. “Okay . . . ?”

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