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Forever Young

Page 93

Samantha didn't stay unconscious for long. She awoke to find herself slumped over Pryde's left shoulder. He dragged Prudence behind him, using her apron as a makeshift rope. Samantha kicked Pryde in the chest as hard as she could with her right leg, but he didn't break stride. "Keep that up and I'll skin you and that sack of lard alive. I don't care what the rev says," Pryde said.

"You wouldn't dare!" Samantha spat back, but she didn't doubt Pryde would kill her and Prudence to avenge his dogs.

"Why don't you try me and find out?"

From what she could tell, Pryde followed a steep path along the river. The path was well-maintained, clear of any debris or rocks like the one she'd tripped over. Samantha guessed Pryde must have visited this area often. "Where are you taking us?"

"To the water."

"If you're going to drown us, why not throw us into the river?" she asked. She hoped she hadn't given him ideas.

"I'd like to, but the rev has plans for you."

As Pryde continued carrying them up the path, Samantha tried to think of a plan for escape. With her bad ankle and Prudence being unconscious, she couldn't think of anything. Then she saw the hilt of the knife at his belt within inches of her fingertips. If she could only shift herself a little bit, she could reach the knife.

"Why are you doing this? Don't you know it's wrong?"

"I leave deciding what's right and wrong to the rev."

"You know who I am, don't you? You were with Miss Brigham when she found me. If Reverend Crane's going to kill me anyway, couldn't you tell me?" She wiggled her hips in his grasp enough to get an inch closer to the knife. Another inch and she could reach the hilt.

"You were someone sticking her nose in other people's business. For all the trouble you've caused me I should have slit your throat when I had the chance. The rev thought he could tame you. I knew better," Pryde said, saying more than she ever remembered hearing before. As he spoke, she wiggled closer to the knife until her fingers wrapped around the hilt.

She pulled the knife from its hilt and in one fluid motion stabbed it into Pryde's back. He howled in pain and then pitched her into a wall. The knife flew from her hand, disappearing over the path and into the river below. Samantha tried to get up, but couldn't on her ankle. She crawled up the path as fast as possible until Pryde seized her by the injured ankle. Samantha screamed as he squeezed the ankle until she heard bones crack.

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