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Forever Young

Page 63

When the fire burned down to ashes, Mr. Pryde brought forth three wooden posts, planting them deep in the ground within a foot of each other. "My children, the corrupt items Miss Brigham brought into our community have been purged. But we must still deal with those who sought to flaunt their defiance of The Way. Samantha, Helena, and John must atone for their crimes," Reverend Crane said.

Pryde yanked one of Samantha's braids, tearing her away from Rebecca. He unbuttoned the back of her dress to expose her back before lashing her arms and legs fast to the center post. He repeated this procedure with Helena and John, binding them to the other posts. From his robes, Reverend Crane produced a coil of leather. "Those who defy God must feel the sting of the lash to be given a taste of what awaits them in the afterlife if they continue their evil ways."

Reverend Crane came to stand behind Samantha. Her back stiffened in anticipation of the whip. With a crack like lightning, the end of the whip raked across her back. Despite preparing herself for the pain she couldn't keep a scream from escaping her lips. Behind her, the toddlers whimpered.

She had no time to prepare herself for the next blow, this one digging even deeper into her back. She bit down on her lip to keep from screaming again as the reverend continued to slash her flesh with the whip. When tears came to her eyes, she thought of poor Miss Brigham who faced an even worse punishment. I won't give him the satisfaction of crying, she thought.

Twenty-five times the whip tore into her back. Blood trickled down her lip and into her mouth from where she'd bitten into it. Her back crackled with pain to the point where the world around her spun and dimmed, but she never screamed again after the first time nor did she cry. "You have borne witness to God's punishment of evildoers. Know you now what awaits you if you continue on the dark path," the reverend said.

"Please don't do this!" Helena wailed. "I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt me."

"I am sorry, my child. It is for your own good I must do this," Reverend Crane said.

"Let me take them for her," Samantha croaked. "I'm the one who led her astray. Her sins are mine."

"A noble idea, but I'm afraid the judgment cannot be changed. She must accept the sentence the Lord demands." With that, Reverend Crane yanked the whip back and then brought it down hard across Helena's back. Her scream echoed throughout Eternity, causing Pryde's dogs to howl in response. At last tears came to Samantha's eyes.

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