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Forever Young

Page 46

Only after they went inside Prudence's cottage and closed the curtains did Samantha explain what she had seen in Miss Brigham's cellar. As Prudence listened in the candlelight, her expression changed from annoyed to shocked to horrified. "Why would Miss Brigham have new baby clothes in her cellar with our names on them?"

"I don't know," Samantha said.

"You're lying," Prudence said.

Samantha took out the nightgown from her pocket and tossed it to Prudence. Prudence's eyes widened as she read the tag. "That's my name," she said. "I don't understand. We should tell the reverend."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"We don't know if he has any involvement in this or not. Until we make sure, we have to keep this to ourselves."

"Isn't that dishonest?"

"No, it's smart. We're not lying to anyone. We're withholding information until a more convenient time."

Prudence considered this, no doubt weighing it against The Way. Finally, she nodded and said, "All right. For now we can keep this between us. But as soon as you know Reverend Crane is innocent you have to tell him."

"Of course." Samantha reached into her apron and first produced the plaid dress taken off the broken porcelain doll. She held out the fabric to Prudence, who touched it as though it contained an electric shock. "Go on, take it. It's yours."

"I couldn't. It's against the rules."

"Why? You're not wearing it or making any colored clothes for other people. Where does it say in The Way you can't admire a piece of cloth?"


"I took it for you. Don't you like it?"

"It's the most beautiful thing I've seen, but-"

"Take it and put it away someplace." Prudence finally took the dress and hid it in the bottom of her sewing box. She came back to Samantha wringing her hands and looking around the cottage worriedly like she still expected God to smite her.

"This doesn't feel right," she said.

"Stop worrying. Everything will be fine. Tomorrow I'll go back down there and see what else I can find."

"I don't like this at all. Secrets are almost the same as lies. We're going to Hell for this."

"Calm down. We're not going to Hell." She put both hands on Prudence's shoulders and looked into her friend's eyes. "I need to know I can count on you. Can I trust you with this?" Prudence nodded. "Good. Remember, you can't tell anyone about this, all right?"

"I know. I swear I won't."

"I found something else down there too." Samantha reached into her apron again and pulled out the book she'd taken from the cellar trunk. "It's a book."

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