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Forever Mine

Page 33

A smile slowly lifted the corners of her lips. “Are you gonna have her whacked?”

Angel smiled, relieved at the change in her mood. “I had something a little less violent in mind. But if you want…”

Sarah wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head on his chest. “Just take care of it.”


The next day was far less emotional. Though thoughts of yesterday’s exchange made things a little tense when he first picked her up, as the hours passed, Sarah seemed a lot better and giving in to her feelings again. They even spent a lustful hour parked in their spot, until she had to leave for work.

The night before she’d fallen asleep before Valerie got home, and this morning between talking to Sydney, and Angel picking her up so early, she hadn’t had a chance to talk to her.

Valerie was just out of the shower, and Sarah was finally going to hear about her date with Alex.

She was about to walk out to look for her when Valerie walked in smiling from ear to ear. Sarah smiled just as big.


Valerie did a little dance and closed Sarah’s door. She motioned Sarah toward the bed and sat down next to her.

“I gotta ask you something, Sarah.” She whispered. “Is Angel big? ‘cause Alex is huge. I mean, huge.”

Sarah’s jaw dropped. “You slept with him?”

Valerie expression was blank. “Of course not.”

Sarah exhaled, relieved.

“I’m on my period,” Valerie said, “How embarrassing would that be?”

Sarah’s expression made Valerie laugh. “Sarah, how long have I been dreaming of this guy? It’s not like I’m a virgin you know. I slept with Reggie.”

“You did?”

“Sarah, I was with him for like six months. There’s only so much you can do before you just can’t stand it anymore.”

Sarah could feel her face flush thinking about the things she and Angel had already done. Valerie eyed her. “Have you even seen Angel's-”

“Shh!” Mortified, Sarah jumped up, walked to the door, and peeked out.

The lights were all out. She tip toed back as if her footsteps might wake someone. Valerie watched and laughed. “What are you doing?”

Sarah held her finger to her mouth again. She sat down on her bed across from Valerie and leaned over. “Yes, I’ve seen it, and yes, it’s big. But since everything about Alex is bigger, I’m not surprised he’s huge.”

“I haven’t seen that many.” Varlerie made a face. “But his puts the few I have to shame. I’m almost afraid it’s gonna hurt.”

Sarah stared at her, still unable to believe what she was hearing. “You’re really gonna do it?”

“Of course,” Valerie said. “Think about it, Sarah. I’m not dumb. I know it’s just a matter of a couple of dates before he moves on to the next girl, and I’m okay with that. But I’ve been lusting over this guy for years. If I blow what may be my only chance to know what it’s like to be with him, do you know how much I’m gonna regret it looking back years from now?”

Sarah stared at her. She still couldn’t get over how different her and Valerie thought. “Aren’t you afraid of getting pregnant?”

“Nope, I got on the pill when I started going with Reggie.” she said. “And I never got off. I figured better safe than sorry.”

Sarah didn't blink for a few seconds. The curiosity about what Valerie had actually done with Alex was killing her. But the fear of Valerie asking her about her and Angel’s intimacy kept her from asking. As it turned out she didn’t have to. Valerie made herself comfortable on Sarah’s bed and began telling her. “He is absolutely the best kisser ever.”

Sarah smiled thinking of Angel’s amazing kisses. She’d never had a conversation like this with a girl and she liked it. Even though she could talk to Sydney about anything, there were certain things she knew she never would. Especially about Angel, it just felt wrong. She had told him about them making out and stuff but left out the details.

Valerie continued. “And oh my God, he’s an animal. From the moment we started kissing he barely gave me a moment to breathe. You’d think with someone like him, who I’m sure can get it anytime he wants, he wouldn’t be so hungry for it.”

“Where were you?” Sarah asked.

“Oh, get this.” Valerie smiled. “Earlier, before we even left the restaurant I brought up football, you know asking him how different college was compared to high school, so he gets all into it telling me about it and said his friend has a lot of it on tape and maybe someday he can show me it. So, later in the evening he took me to get sushi and then we walked on the beach, that’s when he first kissed me-”

“Did you have to stand on something?” Sarah giggled.

Valerie tried to look mad but her smile, gave her away. “If you must know he was sitting on the brick wall that separates the beach from the walkway, when he pulled me to him and said he had to kiss me.”

Sarah grinned. “Anyway!” Valerie said. “After he kissed me, he wouldn’t stop and starts talking about how we should go to his friend’s house to watch the tape of him playing. So, I said okay, why not, right? Turns out his friend, who’s not in town, has a bachelor pad not too far from where we were. He left Alex a key. Tell me he didn’t have that one planned.”

Sarah was still trying to picture tiny little Valerie with brawny Alex. He had to be at least 6’4, and looked every bit the linebacker that he was. Valerie was maybe 5’3, and was as petite as they came. “So, did you watch the tapes?”

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