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Forever Mine

Page 20

The hostess at the front, a young pretty girl with big brown eyes and lashes that went on forever, was busy talking to one of the waiters when they walked in. Her uniform was snug fitting and it accentuated her large bust. Her dark hair was pulled back in a braid and Angel tugged it playfully, making the hair on the back of Sarah’s neck stand. The girl glanced at Angel and smiled. Then her attention turned to Sarah looking at her curiously.

Sarah tried to loosen her hold on Angel's hand but he held it firmly. Jealously was new to Sarah and she didn’t like it at all. If this is all it took to make her see red she wondered what she’d gotten herself into. She swallowed hard and tried not to frown.

“Who’s here?” Angel asked the girl.

“Just Alex. Mom and Dad left about a half hour ago,” she said. “Are you here to eat?

Angel nodded then turned to Sarah. “Sofi, this is Sarah. Sarah, this is my baby sister, Sofi.”

His sister rolled her eyes and held her hand out to shake Sarah’s, “Sofia.” She corrected him. “And I'm hardly a baby anymore, Angel. Nice to meet you, Sarah.”

Relieved, Sarah exhaled. She shook Sofia’s hand smiling “Nice to meet you, too.”

She was right, Sarah thought. His sister didn’t look like a baby at all. In fact, if she had to guess she would’ve thought Sofia was at least her age, if not older. Sofia was taller than her, with a heck of lot more curves.

Angel ignored Sofia’s comment and grabbed a menu. He led Sarah into one of the dining rooms. “I’ll put in our order, no need to send anyone over.”

The room was very big, Sarah looked around impressed. Brightly colored Mexican artwork tastefully covered the walls. Clay figurines, like the ones they saw all over Old Town, adorned the many shelves.

Through one of the arches, Sarah could see the other dining room and realized the music she heard when they walked in was actually a live trio of musicians singing. She stretched her neck to get a better look. There was a short man with an accordion, a taller one playing the cello and the pudgiest of the three was the singer playing a guitar. They all wore cowboy hats and had thick mustaches. No wonder Angel hadn’t wanted to go to Old Town, why would he? He had it all here.

Angel took her to one of the more private booths near the back of the restaurant. “Look it over.” He handed her the menu, then kissed her. “I’ll go get us something to drink.”

Sarah's eyes bounced around from one dish to another on the menu. She was starving and everything sounded so good. She read everything that came with each plate and wondered if she’d get full. She was trying to decide between the green enchiladas and the wet burrito, when she heard male voices coming toward her. Her eyes lifted from the menu and saw Angel and what appeared to be a taller, buffer, more mature looking version of Angel, coming toward her. Alex. Her heart thudded a little faster.

“Well, this is a first,” Alex said when he got close enough. He smiled mischievously, glancing at Angel then back at Sarah.

“Ignore him.” Angel placed the chips and salsa in front of her, spilling a little of the salsa in the process.

Alex slipped into the seat directly in front of her, frowning down at the spilled salsa, “No wonder they don’t let you wait tables around here.” When his eyes met Sarah’s his frown dissolved. “Are those for real?”

Angel chuckled and introduced them. “Alex, this is Sarah. Sarah, this is my brother Alex, and he’s not staying.”

He placed his hand over hers on the table. “Very nice to meet you, Sarah.”

Sarah gulped, holding the menu tight with her other hand. “Nice to meet you, too.”

Angel grabbed a napkin and wiped down the table were the salsa had spilled. “Have you decided or do you need more time?” He asked Sarah.

Sarah could barely concentrate with Alex’s hand still over hers. “Uh, are the green enchiladas good?”

Alex squeezed her hand and smiled. “Everything here is delicious.”

Sarah sat up a bit feeling her cheeks warm, as Angel threw the crumpled napkin at Alex and laughed “Knock it off. You’re such an idiot.”

Alex didn’t take his eyes off Sarah but he let go of her hand.

“Yeah,” Angel looked back at Sarah. “They’re real good, is that what you want?”

She nodded and handed him the menu. “Okay. Let me go put in the order. I’ll be right back. And don’t worry; he’s outta here when I get back.”

“I think you’re the one that’s worried.” Alex smirked.

Angel strolled away. “Whatever,” he said, without turning around. “And get your hands off her.”

Alex put both his hands in the air, smiling. He sat back and crossed his arms, pretending to analyze her.

Sarah couldn’t get over the resemblance between him and Angel, except Alex was thicker, fuller somehow. But not heavy, just buffer, and his neck was huge. He had those same amazing dimples as Angel. With him smiling like that, looking so perfect, it was hard to believe he had such a short fuse, like she’d heard.

His silliness made Sarah feel less nervous. “Well, I didn’t know Angel had a girl, did you know he had brothers?”

“Yeah, I did. I must say even though I’ve never seen you, I’ve heard an awful lot about you.”

“Really?” he said. “Well, don’t believe a word of it. Angel’s just jealous.”

Sarah laughed “Actually, Angel hasn’t said a thing about you. It’s my cousin who’s been doing all the talking.” Valerie was gonna kill her.

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