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Forever and a Day

Page 16

“They had your IQ tested?” he asked.

“When I was in middle school, to help determine my career path.”

“When you were in middle school,” he repeated. In middle school, Josh’s dad had played football with him, not had his brain tested.

“There’s no time to waste when you have high achieving to do,” she said.

“In middle school?”

“Hey, they love me,” she said. “In their own way.”

“By making you try to be like them?”

“Not exactly like them,” she said. “I never did quite get the hang of science, which was a huge disappointment. And anyway, I wanted to be like them.”

No doubt this was a big part of why she worked so hard at finding the right job now. To please them. To show she deserved the Brooks name.

He didn’t give a shit how smart her family was; he wanted to wrap his hands around their necks and rattle the teeth out of their heads for seeing that the baby they’d adopted had grown into an amazing woman.

“What about you?” she asked. “Did your parents expect a lot from you?”

“They expected me to be happy.”

“Aw.” Her mouth curved into a soft smile. “That’s just about the loveliest thing I’ve ever heard. So are you? Happy?”

Well if that wasn’t the million-dollar question and far too complicated to answer at this hour. Instead, he took the computer case from her and set it on her backseat before opening her driver’s door. The door didn’t stick for him, and she rolled her eyes. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re good with your hands,” she said.

His smile heated, and she put her hands to her hot cheeks. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

“It’s okay. It’s true. I’m very good with my hands.”

She gave him a laughing shove. “It doesn’t matter how good you are,” she said. “Since we’re not going there.”

Yeah. Damn.

Grace looked away, then back into his eyes. “I’ll be back in time to get Toby from the bus stop.”

“Thanks. I got a bunch more calls on the nanny position.”

“Want me to weed out the crazies?” she asked.

“More than I want my next breath.”

She laughed again, and the sound of it made him want to smile. “Let me know if you need anything,” he said.

“What about if you need something?” she asked.


“What if you need anything, Dr. Scott? You’re always the one doing all the caregiving—in your job, here at your house, everywhere. I realize I’m not exactly the best nanny/dog walker, but I’d be happy to help. If you need anything…”

Something actually fluttered in his chest. “You are the perfect nanny/dog walker,” he said. “But I’m not all that great with accepting help.”

Her mouth quirked. “Tell me something I don’t know.” She patted him on the chest, got into her car, and in her sexy suit and heels, drove off.

Chapter 12

And on the Eighth day, God created chocolate.

On Monday morning, Grace got up early for a few hours of floral deliveries, and then an hour with Anderson, the local hardware store owner. His bookkeeping system had crashed, and he needed her help. When she asked why he’d called her, he’d said, “because everyone knows you’re the go-to accountant in town.”

She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

She’d just gotten back to Josh’s place and was slipping out of her wedge sandals when she heard the knock at the door. She looked out the glass into the dawn’s purple glow and felt her heart leap.

It was Josh, dressed for his office in dark pants, a dark slate button-down, and a dark edgy expression.

She opened the door, and because they were chronic idiots, they stared at each other before she stepped back to let him in.

He shook his head.

Right. He wasn’t coming in. Because it was a bad idea. Disappointed, she bent to pick up her computer bag, and when she straightened, she collided with Josh.

Who’d apparently changed his mind about coming in. Her hands went to his chest to keep her balance, and the warm strength of him radiated through his shirt. Maybe her hands slid over him, just a little.

Or a lot.

She couldn’t help herself. He had a great chest. Great abs too. He had a six-pack— No, she corrected, her fingers wandering…An eight-pack. And then there were those side muscles, the obliques, the ones that made even smart women stupid.

“Grace.” His voice sounded husky and just a little tight as he grabbed her hands, making her realize they’d been headed south.

“I’m sorry.” She tried to snatch them free, but he held on. “I guess I’m feeling a little conflicted about what I want here,” she murmured.

“So the mixed signals,” he said. “You’re doing that on purpose?”

“No.” She paused. “Maybe.” She grimaced. “I don’t know.”

“It’s okay, take your time.” He backed her up against the doorjamb. “You just let me know when you decide.”

At the connection of his body to hers from chest to thighs and everything in between, she heard herself whimper in pleasure, the sound shocking in its need and hunger. “Maybe I was hasty about the not-going-there thing,” she whispered. “Maybe the not-going-there thing needs to be temporarily revisited.”

His eyes were still dark. Still edgy. “You have my undivided attention.”

Actually, she didn’t. His hands were gliding down her legs and back up again, beneath the hem of her skirt now.


“Still here.”

No kidding. His fingers. Lord, his fingers. “Kiss me,” she managed. “That’ll help me figure this out—”

She hadn’t even finished the sentence before he’d lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. Gentle. Then not so gentle, and when she kissed him back, she felt the growl reverberate deep inside his chest, a soulful, hungry sound that made her go damp.

“Decide anything yet?” he asked, his voice thrillingly rough when he pulled back.

“Another minute.” She tugged him back to her.

Apparently that worked for him because he kissed her, his mouth open on hers, igniting flames along her every nerve ending. Her purse clunked to the floor, and her arms wound up around his neck, her hands gliding into his soft, silky hair.

His hands were just as possessive, going straight to her bottom, squeezing, then lifting her up.

The only barrier between them being his pants and her sundress, which was hiked high enough now that it was really only her panties. “Toby? Where’s Toby?”

“Already on the bus.” His mouth was busy at her ear, his movements masculine and carnal, arousing her almost beyond bearing.

“Anna—” she gasped.

“In her cave, probably still sleeping. Or stirring her cauldron.” He slapped his hand to the lock on the door.

The click of it sliding home hung in the air along with their heavy breathing as they stared at each other.

“So we’re doing this?” she asked. “We’re—” She broke off on a startled gasp when the halter top of her dress gave.

He’d untied her.

“Okay,” she breathed on a shaky laugh. “So we are. We’re doing this.” She let the material slip away from her, baring her breasts.

With a rough groan, he dipped his head and kissed her collarbone. Then lower. When he licked a nipple as if she were a decadent dessert, she heard herself sigh in sheer pleasure.

He pulled back just enough to blow lightly on her wet skin, eliciting a bone-deep shiver. “You’re going to be late for work,” she murmured, unbuttoning his shirt. In her impatience, she tore off two buttons.

His mouth was on her, gliding from one nipple to the other, then gently nibbling, and he didn’t respond.

Quivering from head to toe, she arched back against the wall, giving him more access. “Josh.”

“You’re right,” he said silkily, giving her a teasing nip as he moved between her thighs, rocking against her. “I’m going to be late.”

She let out an unintelligible sound, and Josh lifted his head. “Tell me you want this, Grace. Because I do. At this moment, I’m right where I want to be.” He kissed his way to the outer shell of her ear, his breath hot, chasing a shiver down her spine.

At the moment…

She understood the words, understood the meaning behind them. “I want this,” she said, pressing against him. “I want you.” She tugged off his shirt, running her fingers over his abs, which quivered at her touch. Her dress was pretty much a belt around her waist by now. No deterrent for Josh, who dipped his head, taking in her bright red thong with a U.S. flag front and center.

“God bless America,” he said.

She laughed. He had one hand on her ass, the other on her breast, which was still wet from his mouth. She was halfway to orgasm, and she was laughing.

So was he.

Then their eyes met. The laughter faded, replaced by a driving need to do this. Turning, he gently pushed her to the couch. He followed her down, covering her body with his own as he kissed her, his warm hands shoving her dress up a little more, his fingers sliding to the edge of her panties.

And then beneath.

“I love your sundresses,” he said against her mouth. “You always look so cool and calm, except for your eyes. Your eyes show it all.”

“My panic?”

“Your passion,” he breathed. “For everything.”

“I—” She gasped when he slid a finger into her. Then again when it left her, but before she could make a protest, he was back with two fingers, his thumb stroking right over the center of her gravity. “Oh my God.”


She bit his shoulder rather than cry out with exactly how good it was.

“So wet,” he said hoarsely, his fingers working magic, stroking her just right so that the pressure built shockingly fast.


He kissed her deep, his tongue mimicking his fingers, moving in the same unhurried motion as she writhed beneath him, lost, completely gone. When she came, it shocked her into crying out his name as she rode the wave.

He stayed with her to the end, patient enough to let her come down at her own speed. When she blinked him into view, she didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or thank him. “Has it really been a whole year for you since you did this?” she managed.

“And two months.”

“You don’t seem out of practice.”

“Like getting back on a bike…” He slid down her body. Before, he’d simply scraped her panties aside for quick access, but now he hooked his fingers in the material low on her h*ps and slowly pulled them down her legs.

“I—” she started, with no idea where she was going with that sentence because he put a big palm on each leg and spread them for his viewing pleasure. Leaning in, he kissed first one inner thigh, then the other.

And then in between.

“Um—” Again, she broke off, unable to remember what the hell she’d wanted to say. She couldn’t even remember her own name. She was rocking up into his mouth, biting her lip to keep herself quiet. This wasn’t quite effective; she was still making noises, horrifyingly needy noises and little hurry-up whispers and pants as she burst again.

Two orgasms.

Always she’d had to strain for even one, and he’d just given her two with shockingly little effort. “Oh my God.”

He crawled up her body and kissed her. “Oh my God good?”


“Amazing works. Grace…”

She met his gaze and saw the seriousness in it. “What?”

“I don’t have any condoms.”

She stared at him. “What?”

His laugh was low and a little wry. “You heard the part about a year and two months, right?”

She let out a very disappointed breath, body still humming, mind whirling. “I’m just off my period. It’s been a long time for me, too, and I’m clean. We could—”

“No,” he said softly but with utter steel laced beneath. “I’m clean, too, but no. No taking chances.”

She figured this had something to do with how he’d gotten Toby, so she nodded and blew out another breath. It didn’t help. She wanted him, bad.

“It’s okay.” His smile was tight as he shifted, making her extremely aware that he was still wound up tight, and hard. Very hard. Sitting up, she pushed him back and straddled him.


“Shhh,” she said, kissing her way down his incredible chest, paying special homage to every muscle she came across, and there were many. “Since you’re already late…” When she scraped her teeth over one of his flat nipples, he sucked in a breath. His head thunked back to the couch as he let out a heartfelt groan, his hands going straight to her ass.

Clearly, it was his favorite part of her anatomy.

As for his anatomy, she couldn’t possibly pick one favorite part. His entire body was an erotic playground. She spent a moment on his abs, licking him like a lollipop, then slid farther to her knees on the hardwood floor. He was straining the front of his pants, a situation easily remedied. She unbuttoned, unzipped, and slid her hands inside, wrapping them around a most impressive erection. This elicited another rough sound from Josh. Leaning over him, she began to kiss her way up his length, prompting him to slide his hands in her hair and—

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