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Page 81

Erasmus clutched his arm. “Annon,” he hissed. “Do you see it?”

The creature approached on padded steps, a soft, purring growl in her throat. You travel far, Druidecht.

Annon inclined his head as it approached. He saw Erasmus trembling. What may I call you, wise spirit? Annon entreated in his mind.

I am Nizeera. I am a guardian of Canton Vaud.

Annon smiled in pleasure. Canton Vaud was the seat of the Druidecht hierarchy. It was much like a king’s court and traveled from land to land, settling disputes and arbitrating between the spirits of Mirrowen and those in the mortal world.

I was unaware that Canton Vaud was in Silvandom. Is the matter truly as grave as that?

The huge cat purred and nuzzled against his arm. It slowly slinked around behind them, pausing to sniff disinterestedly at Erasmus, who stiffened and began twitching uncontrollably.

He is frightened. I like that. The matter is severe. Do you seek to aid in the matter?

Annon reached out to Nizeera in his mind. I seek Reeder.

The coarse fur bristled slightly then fell flat. It finished circling Erasmus, emitting a low growl intended to frighten him more. The long whiskers stroked against the Preachán’s wrist, and he issued a shiver of breath.

“Druidecht?” Erasmus whispered hoarsely.

Nizeera turned back to Annon, fixing him with her gleaming eyes. He stinks of the city, of ale and wine and coin. I do not trust him, but I trust you, Druidecht. You are of the fireblood. I smell it in your hands. I am bound to obey you. The great cat lowered its head respectfully, shocking Annon.

No one serves me, Annon thought. You are not bound to me.

Do not mock my oath, Nizeera said with a growl. It was not given lightly.

He felt its offense rising hard and fast, its eyes glittering, the air chilling suddenly. He nodded in acquiescence, and that seemed to satisfy her.

Lead on, Nizeera.

The great cat turned on its haunches and padded away into the woods of Silvandom, its tail lashing playfully.

Erasmus’s voice was just a faint whisper. “I thought…it was going to eat us.”

Annon looked at him and smiled. “It wasn’t tempted by you, Erasmus. You stink. She is our guide in Silvandom.”

Erasmus gave him a blank look. “You mean it wants us to follow it?”

Annon ignored the question and started off after Nizeera.

Canton Vaud.

Annon had been told about it, but he had never expected to visit it before he was twice his current age. It was comprised of Druidechts from every land and every race. They were the wisest of men and women, those who had earned their talismans and other gifts from the spirits, and they roamed the lands seeking to arbitrate troubles.

As Annon and Erasmus approached Canton Vaud, the young Druidecht stared in awe at the large tents, some elaborate in size and fashion. There were large brackets full of smoking incense attached to wooden poles, giving the air a sweet and musty scent. Spirits enjoyed smells and tastes as well as music, and there could be heard across the pavilions the airs of song and instruments. Zigzagging lights streamed through the air, the physical presence of spirits communing with the Druidecht of Canton Vaud. There was an urgent, anxious feeling in the air. The spirits were whispering about dangers in the forests. Of threats and ax blades and the smoking torches that harmed their kind. The snippets of thought and fear surprised Annon.

“This is a sight,” Erasmus muttered, staring at the colorful pavilions, the taut ropes, the scurrying of animals and birds and other enchanted beings like Nizeera. The big cat padded through the throng, never once looking back at them.

“This is the seat of the Druidecht,” Annon explained in a low voice, growing more anxious himself as he heard the thought whispers. “They never stay in one kingdom for long.”

“Who are the leaders?”

Annon rubbed his mouth. “Only the wisest are chosen. There are thirteen. I have never met any.”

A flicker of light suddenly appeared in front of them, buzzing at it approached and hovered in front of Erasmus. Annon could hear its chittering voice as it studied him, commenting on his smell and his queer eye.

Erasmus froze, staring in confusion. “Is this really a huge bumblebee? What does it want?”

“It appears that way to you. It is merely curious. Walk on.”

“How can I walk on when it is likely to sting me?”

“It is a sylph. It will not hurt you. It is just curious.”

Annon continued the walk and Erasmus tried to shoo the spirit away before following. Nizeera finally padded up to a small pavilion and turned, eyes gleaming. Her tail lashed.

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