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Fins Are Forever

Page 61

Tel in blinks, like, forty-seven times.

Daddy shouts, “What have you done?”

Doe shrugs and stares at the ceiling with a bored expression.

Quince watches me seriously, silently, with his mouth drawn up into a smile on one side. He’s not thril ed with the kiss, of course, but he supports my decision. I can tel . And it’s a huge relief.

Since Daddy is the only one actively questioning my actions, I say, “It’s the right thing to do.” I share a solemn look with Tel in. “In more ways than one.”

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Daddy asks after the two minutes it takes him to get over his shock. “There is stil time to perform a separation, if you—”

“No.” Though my decision was rash and instantaneous, I’m not racked by any feelings of regret. Actual y, I’m relieved. The doubts that have been plaguing me for the last few weeks are instantly gone, tel ing me I made the right choice. “I am Thalassinia’s princess, and I cannot cast aside that responsibility for selfish reasons.” Daddy’s gaze shifts to Quince. “And you have no objections?”

“Sir,” Quince says, floating to my side, “I am stil a stranger to this world”—he takes my hand—“but I know your daughter. I believe she wil be the best possible kind of ruler. I love her and wil always support her choices in any way I can.”

Daddy nods at Tel in. “And the bond?”

Quince squeezes my hand. “Our love is stronger than a bond,” he says with the kind of certainty I’ve come to rely on. “If this is what it takes for Lily to remain in line for the crown, then this is what we have to do.”

I squeeze his hand back. The best part of what he said?

We. We are in this together, like the inscription on his birthday gift, forever. Who could ask for a better boyfriend?

Although this does mean I’l probably be hearing a supersized I-told-you-so about the giving-up-my-crown bit.

I’m okay with that.

“Guys, I know this is a lot to take in,” I say. “But I need a minute alone with Tel in.”

Daddy shakes his head, as if he stil thinks I’m a little insane. He’s probably right, but that doesn’t mean I made the wrong choice. In time he’l see it’s the only decision I could make.

“I’m going to enjoy the party before al the candy-coated sand strawberries are gone,” Doe announces, continuing her bored attitude.

“Dosinia,” I say before she disappears out the door. When she looks back over her shoulder, I say, “Thank you. For finding Quince. And other things.”

I can’t come out and thank her for the earthquake and the plot with Tel in, but we both know that she had a lot to do with my final decision.

She shrugs. “Whatever.”

I catch sight of her smile before she swims out into the hal .

“I’l see you downstairs?” Quince asks.

I give him a solid kiss—just in case he or anyone else in the room has lingering doubts about my decision. “Wait right outside.”

He nods at Tel in before fol owing Daddy and Doe out the door.

“Lily, I—” Tel in begins.

“Don’t.” I turn on him. “Don’t thank me or apologize or whatever else you were about to say. I didn’t do this for you.

I did it because it was the right thing to do. Because the oceans are changing and I want to help my kingdom and yours—and al the others—make the transition.” I thought I could be content to fight for the oceans from above, but things are more dire than I’d imagined. We’re going to have to be more aggressive, more diligent. If I can help from land and from the throne room, then the chances I can help wil definitely multiply.

He grins like the little merboy who used to dare me to eat sea slugs.

“You are every inch the future queen I knew you could be.”

“Don’t think you can butter me up,” I say, waving his compliment away. “This is a political arrangement only. My heart belongs to Quince.”

“I understand.”

“And we’l scour the records to see if there is a way to remove the emotional connection from the bond.” Not that I’m super worried about that, because I believe Quince’s assertion that our love is stronger than the bond. But just in case… Besides, if Daddy can find a ritual to return Quince to the sea, then who knows what other rituals might be hiding in the archives? “We’l talk to Cal iope Ebbsworth, our mer couples counselor, to see if she has any advice.”

“Agreed.” His smile turns sly. “My Lucina wil be much relieved.”

“Your Lucina?” I smack him on the shoulder. Is he joking?

“Are you tel ing me you have a girlfriend?” He has the decency to blush, a bright flaming pink beneath his cinnamon hair. “Yes.”

“And she knew about your plan?”

“She is a mermaid of noble integrity,” he says, his pale eyes glowing. “She understands the situation in our kingdom and why this connection is necessary.” I’m pretty sure I wil never understand boys. Why is the truth so scary? He could have told me al of this days ago.

Okay, so it probably wouldn’t have affected my decision—

which turned out to be in his favor anyway. I guess he won’t be learning that lesson anytime soon.

“Come on,” I say, swimming for the door. “We’ve got a party to attend.”

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