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Page 31

"This memory is going to keep me on the edge of my seat all night," he comments. He reaches for the towel and then extends his hand. I stand and step out of the tub, shivering as the cool air hits my skin. He rubs me briskly with the soft towel and then when I'm dry, tosses it on the floor. I just shake my head and bend over to pick it up and hang it back on the rack.

"Come on, we're going to be late."

"Late? Does that mean reservations?"

He chuckles at my attempt to pry our destination out of him. "Perhaps. But first we have a very important appointment."

I put on my best lingerie and at Finn's indication, the more formal dress. It's long and black with a sweetheart neckline that frames my chest perfectly.

When he sees me standing in front of the mirror, he pauses. "Every time I see you, I wonder how the hell I ever got so lucky."

The compliment sends a warm shiver through my veins. With a chest my size, it's hard to find dresses that don't make me look like a wannabe porn star but this one gives me a classic hourglass silhouette and I always feel beautiful when I wear it. Finn emerges from his closet wearing all black. A black suit, black shirt and a slim black tie. On anyone else it would probably look depressing but on him, the effect is magnetic.

"You look good, too. Very James Bond."

He laughs at that and then offers me his arm. When we walk out to the elevators together it all feels so magical. I want to giggle a little because I feel like I'm in a movie, getting whisked off for a night on the town with a handsome man.

The Bentley is at the curb and I smile at Jonah. He gives me the tight-lipped version of a smile that I've come to realize is just his way. I was sure he didn't like me in the beginning but then over time I observed that he's like this with everyone. He seems to take his job very seriously and I'm grateful for that.

It makes me feel better to know that Finn has someone watching his back. He worries about me but I worry the same way for him. Especially now that he has money because after my time in the Carrington's world, I know just how many people are willing to lie, cheat, steal and even kill for it.

After we climb in, Finn gives Jonah a signal. I pout. I'd figured that I'd finally learn where we were going once we got in the car but it seems Finn has thought of that, too. My mind goes back to what he said earlier about having an appointment. I'm not sure what that even means but the excitement of not knowing has me practically bouncing in my seat.

Finn watches me squirm with an amused grin. "We're almost there, angel."

The car slows and turns. I peer out the window, reading the signs as we pass. Finally we pull into the driveway of a modest brick house.

"You're taking me to a house?" I look over at Finn. Then I realize where we are. "You're taking me to see Claire?"

"Yeah, I hope that's okay. She could really use the pick-me-up and I know she'll get a kick out of seeing us in our fancy clothes."

"Of course it's okay. I can't wait to see her again."

He opens the door with his key and ushers me into the living room. "Mom? We're here."

The house is cool and quiet. If I didn't know anyone was here, I would think it was empty. I glance over at Finn. I can feel the change come over him. I wish there was something I could do to help him but I don't know what. If my mother was sick, I'm not sure how I would handle it.

Finn squeezes my hand. "Have a seat. I'll just go make sure she's awake."

I nod. "Of course. And if she's not up for visitors, I completely understand."

He kisses my hand and then disappears into one of the bedrooms at the end of the hall. I walk to the couch and sit down to wait. A few minutes later, Finn leans his head back out. "She's ready now."

As soon as I walk into the bedroom, Claire lets out a little gasp. "Rissa Blake! Look at you. All grown up." Her voice is softer than I remember and she looks delicate. The scarf tied around her head makes her seem even smaller and fragile for some reason.

My heart breaks a little but I'm not here to remind her of how crappy she's been feeling. So with bravado that I don't really feel, I do a little twirl so she can see the full effect of the dress.

Claire claps and her smile widens. "You look so beautiful. Come here."

Dutifully, I approach and lean down to give her a hug. "It's really good to see you again, Claire. I was so sorry to hear about you being sick when Finn told me."

She glances over at her son. Finn has lowered himself to sit on the other side of the bed. I can tell that his leg must be bothering him again by the way he's got it stretched out. He never tells me when it's hurting but I'm starting to pick up on the signs.

"I can't believe Finn has been keeping you a secret all this time. I should have known there was something going on when he looked so happy the last few times he's visited. You always could make him laugh."

"He makes me laugh, too. And drives me crazy. He tells me to get dressed up but won't tell me where we're going!"

She looks over at Finn. "That sounds like him. But you both look wonderful. I love the neckline on this dress, too."

Fashion was always one of the ways Claire and I connected. She'd welcomed me with open arms and declared that now she had someone to talk about "girl things" with. I know Finn and Tank both used to complain that their Mom would tell them stories with way too much romantic detail in them. But I personally loved hearing her stories. Claire was always animated and fun, a lot like my mom.

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