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Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2)

Page 94

The first thing I find is a old photo album. I place it on top of my books I don't have time to go through it right now. I find a birth certificate. The certificate is for a Isabella Marie Torres. Her parents are Nina and Randy Torres. She was born January 2 1979 that would make her 36 years old. Her birthday was a few weeks ago. She is younger than what I thought she would be. Nina must of had her pretty young. Her birthplace was in New York. No way! Nina is from New York! How did she end up all the way in Las Vegas? I'm going to need this for later. I go through more papers and find a wedding and a death certificate. I add it to the pile of papers I've already have. I grab some more photos and head upstairs.

I lock my door behind me as I climb into bed and start searching through everything. The first picture inside the album is of a very young Nina in a wedding dress. Wow, Nina was stunning when she was younger. The wedding dress was one of them old fashion dress. I usually don't like them but this one looks amazing on her. She had long puffy brown hair that came down to her shoulder, her eyes shine so bright, a smile that can light up a whole room, and an hour glass figure. The man next to her was about 5'9, short dark hair, amber eyes, and he looks like he was around 18 when the picture was taken. He is drop dead handsome they made a perfect couple. Just by looking at the picture you can see how much loved they had for one another. I have never seen Nina's eyes sparkle like they are in this picture. I never seen her smile this way either. She has a heart stopping smile that can make anyone around her smile. His smile is even more contagious than hers if that is even possible. You can tell he is a very proud husband. My heart hurts just knowing how much love they had for one another and it breaks knowing that Nina lost it so young. I know what it feels like to lose the person you love and I can't imagine living so many years with that kind of pain. I barley survived 2 months yet a long a life time. I didn't even notice I was crying until a tear rolls down my face and onto the photo.

I turn the page and find more wedding photos. There is one of them at the alter, dancing, and shoving cake in their face. I can't help but to laugh at the last one. It seemed like they had a small wedding but I've never seen any one more happier than them. As I flip through the pages I find one of Nina with a swollen belly. She looks even more beautiful if that is even possible. Her skin is glowing as she smiles and rubs her growing belly. In every picture she comes out with her husband, he is always touching her belly it's like he can't stop touching her. They look so happy and excited for that baby. My heart starts hurting again. The next picture makes me laugh. She is holding up a cute little pink dress and he is holding a butcher knife. I guess that's when they found out they were having a girl. I flip through the pages until I find one of Nina holding a beautiful baby girl in her arms in a hospital gown. Nina isn't even paying attention to the camera her attention is on the baby. She looks at that baby like if she is her entire world. The baby is sucking on her little hand while Nina just watches her. Nina must have been around 18 when she had Bella. The next picture is of Randy holding the baby and he is looking at her the same way Nina had.

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