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Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2)

Page 79

Every time he leaves I feel like it's the last time I'll ever see him. I walk back into the kitchen and wrap my arms around Nina "Thank you". I close my eyes and smell her she always smells like cookies to me. I didn't realize how much I missed hugging her until right now.

"Oh you're welcome butterfly" she pats my arm "now sit and eat". I walk around the table as I grab my bowl of fruits. I can't stop thinking about Gabe I miss him already. "If I didn't know any better I would say you're in love" Nina says. Oh god is it that noticeable?

"Have you ever been in love?" I ask trying to change the subject. Now that I think about it I have never herd her talk about her family. I don't even think she has one. "Yes, I was married" she says never lifting her head up. "Really?" I didn't know she was married. Where is her husband? "What happen?". I regret asking her that questions as soon as I ask. Her body went from relax to stiff in matter of seconds. I walk over to the coffee pot to pour some coffee out ready to let go of this conversation. "Well baby he died a long time ago" she answer. I feel my heart sink into my stomach when she said that. The coffee pot slides out of my hand but I recover quickly and tighten the hold.

I know how much losing some one you love hurts. If I felt bad for asking her before now I just want to kick my ass. "I'm so sorry Nina" I whisper loud enough for her to hear me. "It's okay butterfly it happen a very long time ago" she adds trying to down play it but her voice is full of emotion. Even tho she wants to shrug it off I can tell it still hurts her to talk about it. I want to ask her how he died but I stop even I know when to draw the line. I turn and give her a small sad smile as I walk back to my seat.

"He died in a car accident" she answers my unasked question. I feel a knot growing inside my throat that's horrible. "Did you have any kids?" I ask trying to change the subject once again. "Yeah I have a daughter" she walks towards the stove. What?! "Really? Where is she? What's her name?" I can't stop myself from asking. "Her name is Bella and I have no idea where she is now" her voice cracks as she says the last part. I walk over to her and give her a big hug "Sorry for asking" I give her a kiss. I won't ask her no more about Bella but I'm not dropping the subject. I'm going to find out everything about her and I'm going to find her.

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