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Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2)

Page 33

Logan pushes me back down onto the stool, I didn't even realize I was standing "Calm the fuck down you're going to get us killed". I know he is right. I need to keep my head in the game. I turn back around "Sorry bro". I'm squeezing my drink so hard that it might just shatter in my hand. "It's okay they are leaving now" he whispers. Although I'm glad they are leaving it pisses me off even more. What kind of friends leave some one drunk by themselves? What if I wasn't here? Who knows what could of happen to Jane. I need to have a serious talk about this with her she needs to be more careful about her safety. "Well some one has hit rock bottom" Logan nods towards Jane, who is knocked out.

"My poor Muffin" I step towards her and lift her up. I can tell she has lost weight she feels lighter and her face looks slimmer. I sit back down and settle her on my lap. Now that I'm close up I can see how tired she looks. She has dark circles under her eyes not even her make up can cover them up. My poor poor baby. It hurts me to see how much she has suffer. "Gabe" she mumbles as she snuggles into my chest. My heart stops she knows it's me even if she is unconscious her body recognizes mines. "I love you Muffin" I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You know we can't take her" Logan says reminding me. "I can't leave her" I say more to myself than to him. How am I going to walk away from her when she is the reason I am here? "I know you don't want to leave her I don't either but we can't take her like this" he adds. I know he is right she needs to make that decision on her own. I stroke her soft skin with my thumb "I'll be back for you I swear". I lean down and give her a soft kiss it breaks my heart separating from her but it won't be for long. "Excuse me," a deep voice behind me says "I'm looking for Miss. Jane". I feel the caveman inside of me trying to come out to protect what's mine. I turn around and find a man in his late 40's, he is short and muscular. "I think you're looking for her," Logan nods towards Jane. I don't know if I should kick his ass now or later. "Miss Jane?" he leans in and I have to fight the urge to pull back and shield her. "I got it from here" the man extends his arms waiting for me to pass her on. Jane looks so peaceful and comfortable in my arms that I don't want to let her go. Logan puts his hand on my shoulder for reassurance. I stand and without putting to much thought into it I pass Jane. Jane shifts her head towards the man chest.

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