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Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2)

Page 18

"Sup bro?" Logan ask as I walk into his office. "I need to find out what they have on Jane" I get straight to the point. "And by I, you mean we, don't you?" he ask already knowing the answer. Sometimes it's scares me how well he knows me. "All I need you to do is keep April distracted while I go through Balvin's computer" I say. It's not like I need him to actually do any work. He arched his right eyebrow "And Queen B is just going to let you go through her computer?". I look down at my watch "She has a meeting in 20 minutes". She should be gone for about 30 minutes or an hour tops. "Fine I'm in I don't have nothing else going on" he agrees as he leans back into his chair. "Thanks as soon as she leaves you're on" I say as I walk out.

As soon as Balvin left the building I signal Logan. He walks over to April asking for some help on a file. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" he ask her as he twirls a strand of her hair around his finger. If flirting was a job he would be the richest man alive. He leans to whisper into her ear. Her cheeks turns a shade of red as she giggles. I can just imagine him using one of his corny lines that always works for him. April reaches for her purse and they walked towards the elevator. I rush to Balvin's office which thankfully is open and make my way over to the computer. I need to be quick I don't know how much time I have.

Fuck! The computer has a password I should of known it wouldn't be that easy. Nothing ever is when it comes down to her. I search around her desk trying to find a clue for the password but knowing Balvin, she would never leave her password in the open for any one to see it but April is a different story. I run to April's desk and start searching through her papers. I can see why Balvin keeps April around she is so organizes with her stuff. Everything is sorted by the date they need to be hand in. From the corner of my eye I notice a small purple book inside her drawer. I open it and to my luck find the password right on the first page. Well at least it looks like I have luck on my side today. I run back inside Balvin's office and type in the password. Once the computer gives me access to the files I search for Jane's file. It takes me about 5 seconds to find the file. I type in my personal email and send the file. I delete any trace of me being in here I even clean the keyboard with my shirt to not leave my hand print. Maybe it's a little extreme but I swear Balvin would find out if I leave a piece of hair out of place. That woman has an eye for details. I feel bad for her husband if she even has one.

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