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Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2)

Page 156

I wish I can say I'm surprise to see these dick heads here but that would be a lie. I knew something was off as soon as our flight got moved up. That's why I gave Logan a nod letting him know to be ready for anything. I wrap my hand around Jane's upper arm and pull her behind me. I feel her shaking behind me she hasn't said a word. From the corner of my eye I see Logan ready for me to give him a signal to make a move. We have one advantage they don't know we have our girls strap on us. "Gabriel," Mark says as he points his gun at me "I wish I can say it's a surprise seeing you but it's not I already knew you were alive" he says ignoring Jane's question. I can tell he is drunk by the way he is trying to balance himself. This isn't good. Mark being drunk and with a gun this can escalate very fast. "And to answer your question I'm here for you Jane" he slurps.

My hands turns into fist there is no way I'm letting him take her this time. I'll kill him first. Jane tightens her hold on my shirt "W-what? No that can't be he said I could leave" she says more to herself than to anyone else. I want to turn around to comfort her but I can't. Knowing how much of a coward Mark is he would probably take that opportunity to kill me. "He doesn't know that I'm here but he'll thank me when I bring you back" he swings his gun around. Is he fucking crazy swinging that gun like that? A bullet can escape. "Oh god" Jane whispers from behind me. I can sense how scare she is and that is only pissing me off even more. How dare he scare my woman?

"Now if you don't want a repeat of last time you'll come with me Jane. I promise this time I will not miss" he says as he points directly at my head. "No I'll go" Jane tries pulling away from me but I tighten my hold on her. "Don't you dare move Jane" I warn a little to harsh but I need to show her I mean business. "But he'l-" she starts saying but I interrupt her "I don't give a fuck I gave you an order to not move understand?" Fuck I know I'm going to regret that later. "Jane hurry the fuck up we don't got all day" Raul jumps in.

I look over to Logan and give him a small nod "She isn't going anywhere with you" I say through clench teeth. I count to 3 in my head and at the same time as Logan pull out my gun. I point at Mark while Logan aims at Raul. "Now this is a fucking party" Raul says a little to excited as he throws his hands up in the air. Logan walks to stand besides me helping me build a shield for Jane.

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