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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 71

"What should I wear?" I ask Gabe. He still hasn't told me where we are going for our first date. "Dress comfortable" he shouts from the living room. Well I guess high heels are out the picture. I decide to wear a black long sleeve shirt with a pair of jeans. "You should tie your hair" he adds. "Why?" I brush my hair into a pony tail. "Just to be sure" he smirks. "Okay, I'm ready let's go" I pull him to the door. I'm so excited to go where ever the heck we are going. "Have fun you two" Sophia calls after us. "Where are we going?" I ask for the one million time. "You'll see we are almost there you are so impenitence" he grabs my hand. I pout and give him my best tell me now look. "I swear just a few more minutes" he smiles. "Fine" I give up this man is impossible to convince. We finally pull in to a parking lot "Okay from here we have to walk but I'm going to cover your eyes".

"Oh come on that's ridiculous" I roll my eyes. He covers my eyes "I can't see anything". I hear him laugh "That's the point". We walk a little farther and then he stops "Are you ready?". I jump up and down "I been".

"1-2-2-2" he repeats. "Hurry up!" he is driving me crazy. "3" he finally removes his hands. "Tada!" we are standing in front of a zoo. "The zoo?" I turn to ask him. "Yea I figure you never been to one so Tada!" he spreads his arms. "You're right," I grab his hand feeling excited "let's go".

"Look at that giraffe" I point as we walk by them. "Do you want to feed them?" he ask. My eyes go big "Can we?".

"Yeah come on" he drags me to buy some giraffe food. I'm so nervous now that we are up close I start to think this was a bad idea. "I don't know about this" I say to Gabe as I pull back. "Come on Muffin. How about I feed him first and then you go?" he drags me towards them. "No how about we do it together" I say. I'm not sure I can do it by myself. "Okay" he wraps one hand around my waist as he grabs my hand as we take baby steps. My heart starts to race and my knees start to wobble. "Wait wait!" I stop moving. "Relax Muffin" he kiss the side of my neck and I breath in and out. "Okay ready" I grab his jean with one hand while he extends our arm to feed the giraffe. The giraffe drops his head and wraps his long tongue around the leaves and eats it. Gabe places our hands on the giraffe and we start stroking it. "He is hairy and bumpy" I say like a 5 year old. "See Muffin nothing to be afraid of" he lets go of my hand "now you feed him". I grab the branch and stretch my arm the giraffe tongue brushes my fingers and I make a face. "Jane," I look at Gabe and he takes a picture. I pet the giraffe one last time before I walk away. "I think I found a new favorite animal" I wrap my arms around Gabe's waist and kiss his chest. "Oh really?" he looks down to me. "No," I laugh "you're still my favorite". He leans down and gives me a kiss "Come on there is more to see". We walk around seeing all the different animals I even got to hold a small monkey and it climb all over me. I'm so thankful I listen to Gabe about my hair. Gabe acted like an ape when we pass by them and I took pictures. "Thank you for today it was so much fun" I lean over to give him a kiss. "You're welcome" he smiles. "You know what," I shift in my seat to stare at him "you're actually an awesome boyfriend". He lets out a small chuckle "I aim to please". We spend the rest of the day snuggling and watching movies. I can't believe that Gabe and I have been dating for a month now. All I can say it's that it has been the best month of my life. Every date we go on is different and better than the last. I'm even more in love with Gabe if that is even possible. Today we are celebrating our one month anniversary and he is actually cooking dinner for us at his place. "I can't find nothing to wear!" I say frustrated. "Don't wear anything I bet he'll like that" Sophia walks in the room. "Not helping" I roll my eyes. "Sorry" she walks to my closet and starts searching. Everything in my closet goes flying around until it hits my floor "Bingo!" she pulls out a backless blue dress "now go shower and shave every where you'll thank me later".

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