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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

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How did this happen? No the better question is when did it happen? One minute I hated his guts and the next I'm in love with him. I might as well dug my own grave. This is bad no this is beyond bad. Nothing good can come out of this and I know it. I wasn't looking for love when I moved here. All I wanted was my freedom and now I have more then I barging for. I guess that's why they call it falling because you don't even notice when it's happening. The bad thing is that no one is going to be there to catch me. Only because I'm in love with Gabe doesn't mean that he feels the same way. Uqh! What am I going to do? Everything is going to change because of my stupid feelings. No I can't let that happen. I'm just going to shove my feelings into a safe box and throw the key away. I can't lose Gabe over some thing so stupid like love. I hop out the shower and after I change I walk into the living room. "How are you feeling?" Sophia ask. "Better" I look around for Gabe but he is no where. I try to hide my disappointment. "Gabe got called into work" she says. Work at this time? Yeah right. I probably scared him away that's what happen. I guess it's too late everything is fucked up already. "Oh okay" I walk in to the kitchen. "Food is ready do you want to eat?" Sophia walks behind me. "Yeah please" I'm really not hungry but after she went through all that work I can't turn her down. Sophia asks me what happened and I end up telling her everything well not what happen between Gabe and I. "Holly shit Jane! What is it about you that attracts crazy men?" she ask. I wish I knew. "I have no idea," I laugh "I'm going to bed thanks for the food it was amazing". I barley ate but I don't have a appreciated. She gives me a hug "You're welcome and good night". The bed feels empty and cold just how I feel inside. I reach for Jr. "At least I still got you, you love me right?". My eyes start to get watery how pathetic am I? Crying because I miss Gabe really? I have officially become one of those clingy girls that cry over some one who doesn't love them. Snap out of it Jane this isn't you! I take some Advil because my body is killing me and I fall asleep. I feel the bed sink and some one pulling me into their arms. "Hey baby I'm back" I hear Gabe. I don't even know what time it is and I'm to tired to open my eyes to check. "I'm sorry I ran out on you Jane I just needed to clear my mind" he snuggles with me. "I probably shouldn't have this conversation while you are sleeping huh?" he kiss the back of me neck. "Night baby". I wish I had the energy to talk to him right now but I daze back out. I wake up to Gabe snoring I know that should annoyed me but it actually calms me. I wiggle my way out of his arms and get ready for work. I sneak out of my room like a girl who is running from a one night stand. I don't want to wake him up I really don't want to talk about what happen last night so I'm going to avoid him as much as I can. "You ready?" I ask Sophia. "Yea where is Gabe? That's weird he is usually up by now" she looks over my shoulder. "He is sleeping he came back late from work" I say sarcastically. "He really was working Jane" she says. "I really don't care let's go" I push her out the door before he wakes up. It's lunch time and I know that Gabe is bound to walk through those doors any second now. "Maggie I'm going to clean the back tables" I need to get away from the doors. I start cleaning the back tables trying my best not to look back every time the door bell ring. Maybe he won't come in today. I mean after all he did run away from me yesterday. "So are you avoiding me?" I jump when I hear him. "What the fuc-" I remember that I'm at work "What the hell you scare the shit out of me". I move away from him because when ever he is close to me my brain doesn't function right "And no I'm not why?". I return to clean the table. "Mm really? Then why didn't you wake me up?" he sits down. Damn him for making me so nervous "You came home late from work and you look so peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake you up" I lie. "Right," he arched his eyebrows "I want to talk to you about something". Oh hell no we aren't have this conversation here. I don't even want to have this conversation matter of fact. I don't want to cry in front of every one. "Alright Harry and Sally times up" Maggie calls. For the first time I'm happy to hear her voice "Jane get back to work I would hate to write you up". Ha! Yeah right nothing will make her happier then that. "Got to go Harry" I give him a smile. "We'll talk later" he calls after me. Not if I can help it. I feel like hugging Maggie but then I think it over and I know it's a bad idea "Thanks you just save me" I say. "You're so freaking weird" she pass by me trying not to touch me. I watch Gabe leave and I feel relief at least I still have a few hours before my heart gets ripped out and smash. We get out of work and I'm dreading the idea of going home. "I can't wait for the party on Friday" Sophia beams. "What party?" I ask. "The one I told you about," she frowns "What's wrong? You have been acting weird all day?". Little does she know that I'm about to walk into my own death. "Oh the party" I change the subject. "I can't wait to see Jake I miss him" she went on and on about him while I prep myself for what's coming. We get to the house and thankfully Gabe isn't home. "I'm going to call Jake" Sophia walks in to her room. I should call Sammy it has been 2 weeks since I last spoke to her. I throw myself in my bed and dial her number. No answer. I call again and still no answer. That's weird she always has her phone on her. I hear the front door open and then hear Gabe's voice. Fuck I look around the room to see where I can hide. I can hide in the closet but then he will find me and I don't fit under the bed. I turn to the side and close my eyes to act like I'm sleeping. He walks in the room and I hear him lock the door. Fuck no way out that bastard! "Oh you're sleeping?" he steps closer. I try my best to stay still and to control my breathing. I feel the bed shift and then he turns me to my back "I know for a fact that you aren't sleeping because you aren't snoring". I open my eyes "I do not snore!". He chuckles and climbs on top of me "Now let's talk". No no I don't want to talk I'm already humiliated as it is. "I-I have to pee" I try to move but he pins me down to the bed. "No you don't" he smirks. "Why are you avoiding me? It hurts my feelings" he pouts and I melt. Damn him why does he have to be so sexy? "I'm not avoiding you" I whisper. "Now you're not because you can't" he laughs "I want to talk about yesterday I want to clear some thing out". Oh god I can't hear this it's going to hurt me I need to find a way out of this. Maybe if I say it first "Look Gabe I-" he leans in and gives me a kiss catching me off guard. "Shh why do you make everything so difficult?" he ask. I'm confuse so I don't talk. "Jane I don't know what these feelings are all I know is that I have never felt them before. I can't stop thinking about you, all I want to do is lay down in this bed with you. I was so scare yesterday when I went to go pick you up at work and didn't find you," he shakes his head "I panic. I felt like my whole world crumple down and then when you flew into my arms it felt like I was breathing for the first time," he choke out. "Seeing you so scare made me furious all I wanted to do was go after who ever made you so scare and kill him for messing with you," he brush back my hair "I think I'm falling for you Jane". What? I wasn't expecting that. "Well that's a first" he smirks. "What?" I tilt my head. "Seeing you speechless. Did I freak you out? Is alright if you don't feel the same way" he sits up and I jump into his back. "I have already fallen" I whisper. He falls back crushing me on to the bed. Once on top of me he turns around "Really?". I stare into those green eyes that melt me inside "Really" his mouth crash into mines. I have never been a big fan of tongue kissing but with him I can't get enough. I run my hands up his back until I find his hair. With the tip of his tongue he caresses the top of my mouth and it makes me shiver. I wrap legs around his waist and bring him closer. I suck on his bottom lip and he lets out a small moan. God that was sexy as hell. I feel butterflies all over my body from my stomach to my toes. My heart is ready to pop out any minute now. I feel heat in the center of my core I have never felt something like this before. We both pull back to catch some air before we pass out. He licks my lips like a puppy "You taste so good". I give him a small peck because I can't get enough of his lips "You don't taste bad yourself". He leans back to see my face "So are we really doing this?" he ask. I trace his eyebrow with my finger "Kissing?" I try to hide my smile. He smirks and gives me a quick tap I guess I'm not the only who can't get enough. "No, me and you. Us?" he points back and forth between us. "What about us?" I tease. He looks so adorable when he is nervous I can't help myself. He drops his head and shakes it "You're going to make me say it aren't you?". Of course I'm going to make him say it. I'm dying to hear those words from his mouth. "Do my eyes deceive me or is Gabe the ape actually blushing?" I laugh. He rolls his eyes and I drop dead even that looks sexy I'm starting to think I need help. "Jane do you-" he drops and lets out a fake snore. "Oh not this again" I roll on top of him. "Do I what?" I shake him but he lets out another snore. Okay so he wants to play I lean into him and give him a small kiss. One corner of his mouth lifts up. I kiss his cheek, then his jaw, I move to his neck. I feel his breath increasing and I peak through my eyelashes to find his green eyes starting at me. "Got you!" I yell. "That's cheating" he chuckles. "Every thing is fair in love and war" I point out. Damn did I just say love? "Mmm true" he lifts me up and kisses the corner of my mouth "Do," kiss the other corner "You" he blows around my mouth "Want" by the time he is done asking the question I'm going to be dead! "To" he kisses my nose the butterflies are back "To" he kiss my right eye. I hold my breath this is it "Get a muffin?". I push him back down "A muffin? Seriously?" I'm so close to chocking him. He laughs "Would you like to be my girlfriend?". Now is his turn to suffer "Yes," I give him a kiss "I would like that muffin now". I jump out of bed and run towards the door forgetting it was lock. He catch up to me and lifts me up "Where do you think you're going?"

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