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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 53

"Jake invited us to a paint party this weekend" Sophia says. "Paint party that sounds like fun" I take a bite of my muffin. "Yeah can't wait" she beams. "Breaks over" Maggie yells. "I can't stand her" Sophia sighs. At this point I'm so use to her yelling it doesn't face me anymore. Like every day since I started to work here Gabe comes in at lunch time. I have to admit that has become my favorite part of the day. "Let me guess a blueberry muffin and a small coffee" I say as he walks over to me. "Well yes are you some kind of mind reader?" he gasped. "Something like that" I take his order and hand it to him since I had it ready for him in the first place. "See you at home Muffin" he winks and walks away. Great now my day is going to go by slower just counting the minutes down to see him again. "Who is that?" Sophia points to a man sitting down by the window. "I have no clue why?" I ask. "He keeps looking over here gives me the creeps" she shrived. "How long has he been there?" I haven't notice him until she said some thing. "Like an hour" she shrug. "He is probably waiting for some one" I look over to him he looks like he is in his 40's. "Probably let's go back to work before monster Maggie comes out hollering at us" she says. "Okay I'm finally out of this hell hole I'll be back to pick you up" Sophia says. "Okay drive safe" I respond. She gets out of work earlier today but she refuse to let me ride the bus. The man is still sitting at the table when Sophia leaves. I wonder who is he waiting for? I go back to work and before I knew it, it's my turn to clock out. "See you tomorrow" Mark calls out. "See you tomorrow" I smile. I get a text from Sophia informing me that she is stuck in traffic so I decided to go do some shopping I need a few things. I can't shake the

feeling that some one is following me. I look around but see no one I'm just paranoid thanks to Sophia. I step inside the store and shop for some cloths. The weather is getting colder and I don't have the appropriate kind of cloths. I can't believe we are in September already I'm looking forward to seeing the snow. I have never seen the snow and I can't wait to play in it. "Have a nice day" the clerk rings me out. "Thank you, you too" I smile and leave. From the corner of my eye I see the same man that was in the shop earlier. Fuck I was right some one was following me. I fight the urge to turn around I don't want to alert him. I speed up my walk and I can feel him speed up as well. I take a right turn and so does he a few seconds later. "If you want to know if some one is following you take 4 right turns and you'll know for sure" I remember my father telling me I make another right and so does he. What am I going to do? What does he want? Is he working for my father? Or his enemies? All I know is that I can't let him catch me. Who knows what can happen if he does. As soon as I make the third turn I make a run for it. I feel fear mix with adrenaline running through my veins. My lungs are burning as I breath in the cold air. I can hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to me. I push myself harder to get away from him my knees are trying to give up on me but I can't let that happen. My heart is hammering in my ears and I break into a cold sweat. The street light turns red and a crowd of people walks towards me. I run through them shoving into people with out even apologizing. I look back and I see him getting push back by the crowd. I turn the last corner and run to my job. If I can get there I'll be safe. From a far I spot Gabe standing outside talking on the phone and my heart beats even faster. "Jane" I look back and see the man getting closer. He knows my name! The voice inside of my mind is telling me to run so I do. "Gabe!" I yell. Gabe turns around to face me and I jump right into his arms dropping everything on the ground. I wrap my arms and legs around him as tight as I can. I press my face into his neck and I feel at home. I try to control my breathing as I hug the life out of Gabe. I feel safe in his arms because I know that he'd never let nothing happen to me. "Where were you?" he strokes my back trying to calm me down. I am having trouble breathing right now yet along to try to talk. "You're shaking" he tries to look at me but I refuse to let him go. I shake my head and tighten my hold on him. "Shh it's okay Muffin" he rubs me back and that's when I realize that I'm crying. "I'm going to put you down so you can tell me what happen" he slowly puts me down but I refuse to unwrap my arms. "Baby you have to tell me what happen so I can help you" he whispers. My whole body is shaking, my chest hurt from all the running, and my throat feels so dry. I look up at him with tears in my eyes "C-Can we go home please?". He cleans my tears "Okay". He bends down to grab my bag and I look around searching for the man but he is no where to be found. I grab Gabe's hand as he walks me to the car I don't wait for him to open the door I go straight for it. He walks to his side and gets in. "Th-Thank you" I bring my knees to my chest. "Are you going to tell me what happen now?" he ask through clench teeth. I try to remember everything that happen today. "I don't know I decided to do a little shopping and then next thing I know some one was chasing me" I say while playing with my chain. Gabe nostrils flare, his hands close around the steering wheel "Who?" his mouths quivers. "I don't know" my voice comes out shaky. All I know is that he was after me and he knew who I was but I can't tell Gabe that because then he would ask questions that I can't answer. Who ever he is or for who ever he works for they found me. I'm no longer safe and that terrifies me. "Hey," Gabe reaches for my hand "don't cry I promise you that I'll keep you safe. I wont let no one hurt you". I believe him I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me but I refuse to put him or Sophia in danger. His phones ring and he puts it on speaker. "Did you find her?" Sophia ask all worry.

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