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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 51

"You got it bad" I smile into my mug. "Yeah I do" she jumps with excitement. "I'm happy for you Sofy you know you can always count on me for anything" I hug her. It's so hard for me to picture her on drugs. It makes me furious knowing that some bastard drove her to that point. I wish I knew who he was to make him pay for it. "Thanks rommie," she squeeze me "now how about we have a lazy Sunday just the two of us? You know Netflix, junk food, girl talk, and pizza". I jump off the sofa "I'll get the junk food" I walk to our stash. "I'll get the movie started" she yells. Honestly I think Sophia is my better half. How I wish Sammy can meet Sophia they would get along so great. "Ready" I say as I sit down. She plays the movie. "The Sound of Music" I throw my head back and laugh "Good one". We snuggle on the sofa and got ready for the movie. We talked about Jake a little bit more and of course about Gabe. "Let me get this straight," she says with amusement "he got on a roller coaster, then you guys actually dance no wait slow dance? I have never seen Gabe dance in my life. Then he won you a stuff gorilla and you named it Gabe the ape?" she laughs. "Well for a guy who has never danced in their life Gabe sure can dance" I smile remembering our dance. "You smell that?" she sniff around me. "No what?" I wrinkle my nose trying to find what she smells. "It smells love is in the air" she push me back while she laugh. "You must be smelling your self you wreck of hot smelly sex" I laugh. "Hot yes smelly I don't think so" she wink. Talking about smelly I should shower before Gabe comes home. Not that I care what he thinks of me but I just want to smell good. "I'm going to shower" I say to Sophia. "Lucy wants to look good before Ricky comes home" she teased. I give her the finger "Fly away little birdy" she sings. After I shower I put on a white beater and sweatpants. I braid my hair into a fish tale and join Sophia in the living room. "I brought dinner" Gabe walks in with pizza and my heart skips a beat. "You know I'm starting to like having you around" Sophia jumps on her feet on the sight of pizza. "I'm happy to know that I can buy your love little sister" he smirks. I get up to join them at the kitchen table. "I herd you went all happy feet on Jane last night" she tease him. I see Gabe blush for the first time and it does things to my inside he looks so adorable. "All right Mary Poppins leave him alone" I jump in to defended him. "Marry Poppins?" Gabe ask and now it's Sophia turn to blush that's what she gets for trying to put him on the spot. "Shut up Lucy" she comes back. "Lucy?" Gabe ask again. Sophia looks at me and I look at Gabe as he looks at her we all start to laugh. "By the time I leave here I'm going to be crazy" he says. I feel my lungs tighten up just thinking of him leaving. I don't want him to leave I have gotten use having him around. "How is that coming out by the way?" Sophia ask as she peels the cheese of her pizza. She is so weird she separates the cheese and eats it for last. "Well they still have to change the pipes so maybe in a week or 2 I'll be out of your hair" he peels the pepperoni of the pizza. I'm happy to hear that I can enjoy him for a few more days but still sad that he will be leaving. I know that once he leaves we will go back to how we used to be. "Your awfully quite" Sophia says and Gabe looks my way "What's wrong?". I break off the crust of my pizza trying to avoid his stare "Nothing". Gabe stares at me trying to read my emotions on my face but I have a strong poker face. Sophia phone rings and she runs to her room to answer it. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gabe leans in closer to me. "Yeah I'm fine how was work?" I put on a fake smile. He stays silent for a minute and then he finally speaks "Boring like always". He is so close to me that I can smell his cologne. With out even thinking I hop out off my seat and embrace him in a big hug. "Wow" he says surprise "Please don't tell me I'm losing you to the PMS?". I let out a laugh maybe that's what's wrong with me. Maybe that's why my emotions are all over the place. "Or are you going to tell me what's really wrong?" he strokes my back. I close my eyes and push my face into the side of his neck "Nothing is wrong I think the PMS is catching up to me" I try not to cry. He chuckles "Yeah I have officially lost you". I pull back and we are face to face he plays with my braid. "Everything is going to be fine" he reassures me. My arms are around his neck and I'm in between his legs. I stare into his green eyes and I get lost in them. I look down to his lips and he bites down on his bottom lip. My heart is beating 100 miles per hours. The air is full of electricity and it gets heavier by the second. He leans in and I hold my breath. "It was Jake" Sophia voice snaps us back to reality. Gabe drops his head on to my chest and I rub his back. "Stay strong" I cheer him up he must be freaking out about Jake. "Gross no sex on the table I eat there" she gags. I blush and Gabe let's go of me "So who is this Jake?" he ask. "Who?" Sophia pour out some soda. "Soso don't play with me or help me god I will find out everything about him on my own" he threatens her. I slowly back away and Sophia gives me a help me look I shake my head and mouth sorry. I walk to my room this is not my battle to fight. As I lay down on the bed all I can think about is Gabe seriously what is wrong with me? All I want to do is spend time with him and when he isn't around all I do is think of him. Every time I'm around him I feel butterflies in my stomach, my heart beats so fast that I can hear it in my ears. Can this be love? "She is impossible" Gabe slams the door. "What happen?" I sit up. "I can't talk some sense into her it's like I'm talking to a brick wall" he sits next to me and I rub his back. "Don't worry we'll keep an eye on her". Even when he is worry he looks good. I stand up to go cheek on Sophia but Gabe pulls me back down "Stay".

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