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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 48

"No!" I snap "she drank some pills and probably fall asleep again. You wouldn't want to wake her up would you?". I hope he says no. He smirks "You're right I shouldn't temp my luck by waking up the beast. We barley made out of there alive.". I laugh "We?". He grabs Gabe the Ape "Jr. and I". I fake like my feelings are hurt "You left me behind to fight for my life?".

"You were never in any danger it's the male that are in danger" he tease and I laugh. "You know how girls get with the whole PMS" I walk towards the closet. "Oh no not PMS," he gasp "She got the Psycho Monster Syndrome we should rush her to the hospital right away". I giggle "Psycho Monster Syndrome cleaver" I can't find my pajamas so I settle for a shirt. He walks in and grabs his sleeping cloths "I'm out to bed have a good night". Think Jane think you need him to stay in here. "You can stay in here" it sounds more like a question than a statement. He looks at me with an arched eyebrow "Are you sure I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable".

"Don't be silly just stay" I pout maybe that will convince him. "I can't say no to that face" he pokes me lower lip. Bingo! He walks out of the closet and I stay inside to change. I change into a long white T-shirt that stops above my knees and my booty shorts. "That's strange I don't remember buying this shirt" I say as I look down at the shirt. "Maybe because that's my shirt and I was the one who bought it" Gabe smiles. He probably thinks I'm some stalker. First I begged him to sleep in here and now I'm wearing his shirt. "Sorry I'll take it off" I turn around. "No," he snap "it looks better on you than on me". I feel my cheeks burning up "I'm going to the bathroom". Wait why did I inform him I was going to the bathroom? I shake my head and leave the room. I wash my face and brush my teeth twice just in case. Keep your self together you can do this I stare at my reflection. Don't think about the sex god waiting for you in the room. I shake me head trying to shake away my naughty thoughts. As soon as I walk inside the room Gabe walks out "Where are you going?" I ask. He frown "To the bathroom may I?". I nod. Great now I annoyed him this is going to be a fun night. Yay Jane! I get into bed and wait for Gabe to come back. Why am I so nervous it's not the first time I'm going to sleep with Gabe. I'm so going to kill Sophia tomorrow for this she owes me her life. Gabe walks in and jumps in the bed making me bounce. He reaches for me and I lay my head on his chest. "Who is it?" he strokes my hair. "Who is who?" I try to hide the fact that I'm nervous. "Oh Muffin," he lets out a small laugh "well first you ask me to sleep in here with you. Don't get me wrong I don't mind sleeping in your bed with you but it's weird that you ask and then the fact that you are playing with your chain tells me that you are trying to hiding something". He tilts my head "Plus I know my sister pretty damn good to know she is up to something". Busted! I can either keep going on with the lies or just tell him the truth. "Is that obvious?" I bite down on my lip. "Yeah so who is it?" he nods. "Promise me you won't say nothing and you'll act like you don't know" I bring out my pinky finger. "I'm a man Jane I don't do pinky what ever it is" he gives me his serious face. "Well no pinky promise no secret" better for me. He looks at me and then back at my pink "Fine" he brings his pinky up to mines. "Good boy I mean man" I say in my deep voice. "Talk woman" he smirks. "Okay remember Jake?" he nods his head "Well it's him please don't mess this up for her I know you worry and you have every right to but she really really likes him". He runs his head through his hair "What's wrong?" I frown. He starts to shake his leg "My sister always falls really fast but the problem is that no one is there to catch her. I'm always the one that have to put her back together when she falls apart". I rest my chin on the back of my hand to stare at him "I'm pretty sure Jake likes her a lot". He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear "Yeah that's how it all start and then they realize that it wasn't something serious and they leave her and she gets all depress and starts-" he stops himself. "She what?" I ask. "Nothing" he smiles but it looks painful. "Don't you trust me?" my feelings are sort of hurt. "Of course I do you are one of the few people I trust" he says. Now I feel like an asshole because he trust me enough to let me in and I can't bring my self to tell him the truth about my past. "I promise I won't say anything" I put out my pinky. He brings my pinky to his mouth and gives it a kiss "The last guy Sophia got involve with was messed up. He used drugs and drag her into that world," What? No way Sophia my roommate on drugs. That's something that I will never want to see. "I went to hell and back trying to keep her off and clean" I can hear how much it hurts him. "That's why you are overprotected" I whisper more to myself than to him finally understand his behavior. "I just worry that she can have a relapse. I'm not sure I can go through that again". I cup his face and stare into his eyes "You won't and if, and that is a big IF, it happens I will be right by your side you won't do it on your own I promise".

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