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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 45

"Come on let's go on this one" he drags me towards the bumper cars. There is a huge but Gabe walks pass all of them and shows our V.I.P pass. The man grants our way in with out waiting I feel like a celebrity. I buckle myself in and look over to Gabe. He smiles and runs his finger around his neck "Your ass is mine". As soon as the green light comes up I press down on the gas petal to get away from Gabe. I try avoiding hitting any one all I want to do is get away from Gabe. I look to my sides and try to figure out where to go next when some one crash into me from behind. "License and registration please" Gabe ask. "What's the problem officer?" I flutter my eyelashes. "The problem is that your beauty is distracting the other drivers as you can see they are driving like manics" he smirks. I laugh "Really?". I notice a girl driving straight to Gabe I motion for him to come closer with my finger "Maybe they should keep their eyes on the rode instead of me". The girl bumps into Gabe and I take the opportunity to drive away laughing. He catches up to me in no time "That was cheating". I crash into his side "There is no rules". Every time I escape him he always found a way to catch up to me. "That was fun what's next?" I ask as we get off the ride. I look around the fair and see a roller coaster. I have never been on one. "That let's go" I point. He pulls back "I don't know how about that one" he points to a smaller ride. Is Gabe actually scare of going on a roller coaster? "Oh no," I smile "Don't tell me you are scare to ride a roller coaster?". He runs his hand through his hair he does that every time he feel nervous. It's funny how well I have gotten to know him. "Pss me scare? No way" he gives me a half smile but I can see he is worry in his eyes. "Prove it" I challenge him. I pull him and he refuse to move "Come on Gabe" I plead. He slowly starts to walk. I pull him to the front of the line "I think we should wait like any other person in line they were here before us" he says. I know what he is doing he is trying to buy time so he can run away but I'm not having it. "You didn't seem to care about the people waiting on the other line" I argued. I show the man our pass and he sits us right away. Gabe goes in first and than I settle in. I'm so anxious I want the ride to start already. "It's the waiting that kills me" Gabe runs his hand through his hair. "You'll be fine" I grab his hand and we interlock our fingers. His palm is clammy and he keeps shaking his leg. "Are you okay? We can get off if you like" I say. I feel bad for making him get on the ride. Maybe I shouldn't of pushed him he looks like he is about to throw up. "No, I'll be fine just don't let go of my hand" he says. I squeeze his hand to reassure him that I'm not going no where. Once every one was on board the ride starts moving really slow. This isn't so bad what was Gabe freaking out for? I look over to him "Just wait for it" he says before I can say some thing. The cart starts to go up a hill and gravity pins my body down back. "Don't look back" Gabe says and of course I do. When I look back I see how far we are from thr ground. "Oh my gosh" my stomach drops "Why would you tell me not to look back?" I slap his chest. Gabe chuckles "I was trying to help you". We reach the highest part of the hill and the cart stops. "What's going on?" I panic did the ride get stuck? That would be just my luck getting stuck on a roller coaster. "Get ready" Gabe squeeze my hand. I turn to look at him but his eyes are close shut. I hear the wheels turning and next thing I know we are falling. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I chant. I feel my stomach in my throat. "FUCK! FUCK!" Gabe yells. My heart is beating so fast I can hear it in my ears. The air is blowing my hair all over the place. There is a big loop coming up and we stop in the middle leaving us hanging upside down. I let my arms drop taking Gabe's hand with me. Everything looks so small the people, the cars, and the other rides. The sky looks so amazing from here I feel like I can fly. "Gabe open your eyes the view is breath taking" I say breathless. "It sure is" I turn to face him and he is staring at me. Before I can say anything the ride starts back up and both of us start screaming again. "See it wasn't that bad" I smile as we get off the ride. "How are you feeling?" I ask. He holds on to his stomach "I'll let you know when my liver and my heart flip back to their place". I can feel the adrenaline running through my veins and I want more. "Come one let's go" I pull him to another ride and then another one after that. When we get off the ride Gabe looks at me and smiles. "You hair is all wild you got the whole lion king look down" he tease. I know how bad my hair can be when it's messy so I tie it up in a bun but some curls manage to escape. "You know for a big bad ape you are kind of a wuss" I tease him back. "I got on them tho" he points out. "Because I made you" I stick out my tongue. "Correction because I wanted to be with you" he says in a matter of fact voice. He really got on all of them even when he didn't want to. I stand on my tippy toes and give him a kiss "Thanks for everything". He smiles "Anything to make you smile". I smile and look away. I swear he is the only guy who can make me smile when ever he wants. "I guess what they say it's true" he looks down to his watch. "What?" I kick a rock. "Times flies when you are having fun" he says. I look around and notice that the fair is in full swing because it's dark the lights are on. The fair looks beautiful with all the lights on it makes it look magical. People are laughing, screaming, kids are running around with stuff animals. Every one seems so happy. In the air you can smell butter popcorn, fry dough, and cotton candy. We have been in almost all the rides so we don't know which one to go on next. We walk by a stage where there are older couples slow dancing. There is one couple that catches my eye. The man has his arms wrap around her waist and her hands are laying on his chest while they stare at each other. The man leans in and whisper something to her and she drops her head back while laughing. Her husband just stares at her with shiny eyes he looks at her like she is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen. She whisper something back to him and now it's his turn to laugh. He cups her face and gives her a kiss on the forehead. I feel my eyes start to water that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I have never seen so much love between some one. I only hope that I can will find some one to stare at me with so much love. "May I have the honor of this dance my lady?" Gabe bows and extend his hand. I was so focus on the couple that I forgot that Gabe was standing next to me. I giggle "You may" I grab the end of my dress and curtsy. I lay my hand on his and he walks me to the dance floor. "Are you having a good time my lady?" he ask. "Yes the best time wait what shall I call you?" I ask. "How about master?" he jokes. "Ha!" I roll my eyes "Keep dreaming". Knowing Gabe he would love for me to call him master. The song ends and I start to pull away but Gabe holds me in place until the other song start playing. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. "Greet song listen to the lyrics" he says. "What's the name of the song?" I ask. "Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran" he answers.

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