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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 37

I can't believe I've slept the whole day yesterday. I woke up today feeling like a brand new person. I should shower before Sophia does because she takes for ever in there and we both have to work today. After I showered and got ready for work I went into the kitchen to make some coffee. "I can't believe we slept all day yesterday" she emerges from her room looking like a new person her self. "I know I haven't slept that much since I was a baby I think" I hand her a cup of coffee. "Thanks lets go I actually feel like working today" she smiles. "What did you just say I think I herd wrong" I reach to check her head to make sure she doesn't have a fever. "Ha ha let's go before we end up stuck in traffic" she shoves my hand away. "When are we doing it again?" Sophia ask as we get in her car. "Are you serious?" I look over to her. We just recovering from last time and she wants to know when we are doing it again. She gives me her evil grin "Come on Jane don't tell me you didn't have fun". I can't lie I did have fun well expect for the whole hangover the next day. I smile at her "Yeah I had fun fine we can do it again but no drinking for me this time" I add. "We'll see about that" she drives off. "Hey girls" Mark greets us as we enter the shop. "Hey Mark" we both say at the same time. I avoid looking at his face. I'm so embarrass the way I acted when I saw him in the club. "I bet you were like the living dead yesterday" he walks over to me. "You have no idea" I walk to clock in. He looks like he wants to say something to me but can't find a way to say it. "I want to apologize for Ashley" he rubs the back of his neck. Poor Mark he shouldn't be apologizing for that crazy bitch. "She was nice," I say sarcastically "I want to thank you for everything you did for me that night". I'm so thankful that he step in when he did with the guy and I'm also thankful that he waited with me outside the club. He really is a good friend. "What are friends for" he smiles. "As the good friend that I am I would like to give you an advice" I say. I know that I shouldn't say nothing but I can't help myself he is my friend after all and I want nothing but the best for him. "Okay" he nods for me to continue. "You deserve so much better than Ashley you're to much of a nice guy to be with some one like her" I say. Hopefully he doesn't take it the wrong way. He gives me a smile and nods "I didn't know she was such a bitch and I'm sorry for the way she acted". He doesn't need to apologize he did nothing wrong. "I don't accept your apologizes because you didn't do nothing wrong" I smile at him. "You're a sweetheart" he says. "Well if you excuse me I have to get to work before my boss comes out" I joke. "I herd he is a jerk" he plays along. "I herd he is like that because he has a bitchy girlfriend but don't tell no one I said this" I whisper. He close his mouth and pretend to lock it "I won't maybe he should get rid of her". I shrug "Maybe" and I walk away. "What was that all about?" Sophia ask. "What?" I open my lane. "You and Mark" she arch her eyebrow. "What about us?" where is she going with this? "I think Mark likes you the question here is if you like him?" she stares. What does she mean Mark likes me I like him too that's why we are friends. "I like him as a friend and beside he has a girlfriend little Miss. Goldie bitch remember?" I say. Sophia laughs "Oh my guy that my friend was classic" she wipes the tears falling from her laughing so hard "but I insist Mark like you". The door opens and costumers start walking in. I look at the clock and it's rush hour already. "Let the party begin" Sophia says. I don't know why they call it rush hour they should call it crazy people hour. Everyone is in such a hurry to get out that they don't have time to sit down and enjoy their meal. "I'm taking my break now" I inform Maggie. It has been so busy that I haven't taken my break yet. I buy myself a small blueberry muffin with a frappe. I got to admit we have the best muffins in the world. I'm sort of addicted to them. I walk over to an empty table and rest my feet on the chair they are killing me. No matter how long I have been working here my feet don't get use to standing. "Is this sit taken?" I lift my head to find Gabe standing in front of me looking sexier than ever. His hair looks messy like if he has just gotten out of bed. He is wearing a black shirt with jeans. No leather jacket how upsetting. I really don't want to spend my 30 minutes of peace with him. He pulls out a chair "You took to long to answer" he sits across from me. I take a sip of my frappe and start pealing my muffin ignoring him. I'm still mad about the way he talked to me yesterday. "So" he says as he looks around. "So" I give him an attitude. I know that we were trying to build a friendship but I think it's better for us if we don't. The other night when he was being so nice to me made me realize that my heart is danger. I know that the outcome of what ever this is won't be good. "I know why you are mad" he says. "You do?" I ask surprise. I don't even know why I'm mad at him. "Yeah because I acted like a jerk again," he licks his lips and I follow his tongue "I didn't mean to sound like an asshole I worry about Sophia and your safety". Did I hear the last part right? He cares about me? "Why me?" I start playing with my chain. "Believe it or not you are growing on me" he reach for a piece of my muffin. "Hey" I slap his hand away "get your own muffin". I'm not sharing my muffin with him I haven't eaten all day. He sits back and gives me a hurt expression "After everything we have been through the throw up, the nakedness, all our secrets and I still can't taste your muffin?". I blush something tells me there is a second meaning behind his words. "Well that was easy" he gives me that perfect smile of his. His teeth are so white and perfect is there any thing wrong with him? Expect for the fact that he can be an ass some times I think he is perfect. "What?" I take a bite of my muffin to stop me from ogle him. "Making you smile" I stare at him with a blank expression and then remember his words from that night. I smile and shake my head. "Another smile damn I'm good I should start charging" he runs his hand through his hair. I can sit here all day and just look at him but I know I have to get back to work. What time is it anyways I look up to the clock "Oh shit I have to go back to work". I have exactly 1 minute until my break is over. I can already hear Maggie barking at me. I drink the last of my frappe and stand up. "So are we good?" Gabe ask. "Yeah see you later" I say over my shoulder. No matter how much I want to stay away from him I can't it's like he has his own gravity that pulls me towards him. I walk to my register and open my lane "I can take the next person in line". Gabe walks up with a smirk on his face. "Your going to get me fire" I laugh. "I just want to get something to eat" he puts his hands up like if he was surrendering. Even when he wants to act innocent he looks malicious. "May I take your order sir" I smile. He taps his fingers on his chin pretending to think what he wants "I would like your muffin with a small cup of coffee" he winks. I bite down on my lip trying to hold in my laughter and shake my head. "What?" he ask all innocent. "Nothing your total is $4.50" he hands me a 5 dollar bill and as our fingers brush I feel a electric shock. "Ouch" I remove my hand. What the hell was that? "Sorry" he smiles. I hand him his change and his order trying not to brush his hand I don't want to get shock again. "Thank you" he winks and leaves. He needs to stop winking at me because I can't handle that. He is so confusing one minute he is all nice and caring and the next minute he is so cold and distant. There is something wrong with that boy. "What did Gabe want?" Sophia ask as we ride back home. I swear she sees everything I can't hide nothing from her. "He was just apologizing" I avoid looking at her because she makes me nervous. "Again? That's weird" she sounds surprise. "What?" I tried to hide my curiosity. "The fact that he keeps apologizing that's not like him" she says. This is something I already know. Gabe isn't the type of guy to apologize for his actions. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah it's fun seeing him try so hard for you to like him even just a little bit" she stated. Is that what he is doing? He is trying to make me like him? Why? I thought he didn't like me. I play with my chain "I do like him". She gasp "Like a boyfriend or like a friend who is a boy?".

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