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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 31

Once I get to the table I start to feel a little lightheaded. I think it's time for me to go. "Sofy" I pull her closer "I think we should leave". She looks at me "Oh please Jane a little longer". I really don't think I can last any longer but I just nod and take a sit. It seems like everything around me is spinning. I hold on to the table to keep me from falling. I need to get out of here. I feel like I can blackout any minute. I can't ask Sophia to leave she is having fun and I can't call a cab because I don't have no cash on me. Why did I listen to Sophia and leave my purse behind? I don't even know how we got here so it's not like I can walk and even if I knew there is no way I can walk right now. There is only one way I can get home and if I was sober I would never call but since I'm not I will. Desperate times calls for drastic measures. I reach for Sophia's phone and copy down the number I need. I put her phone back and stand up "Where are you going?" she ask. "I'll be back" I walk away. Once I reach the bathroom I make my call. "Gabriel Smith" he answer all professional. Just the sound of his voice makes my knees weak. "Really?" I laugh "that's how you answer your phone all James Bondish?". Who answers there phone like that? "Jane?" he guessed. "Carter, Jane Carter" I mock him. I couldn't help it. "Are you okay? You sound weird?" he ask and that reminds me why I called in the first place. "About that," I play around with my chain. How can I get nervous just talking to him over the phone? "I'm sort of drunk and I was wondering if you could come and get me?" I close my eyes hoping he says yes. "Sort of?" he lets out a small laugh "Is Sophia with you? Who is driving? How did ya even buy drinks?". Here we go with all this damn questions. It can never be a simple answer with him. "Oh god can you stop being such an ask-hole," I roll my eyes out of frustrated. "You know what I shouldn't of called you in the first place forget I ever dial" I hang up. What was I thinking calling him? I wasn't thinking. I should of known better. I guess I just have to stay here and hope Sophia will want to go home soon. Right before I start to walk my phone vibrates. I look down and see Gabe's number. I know I shouldn't answer but I do any ways. "What?" I answer with an attitude. "Don't hang up," Gabe commands "where are you?" he ask in his serious tone. I can just picture him arching his eyebrow waiting for my answer. "Gabriel I said forget-" I shake my head as if he can see me. "Where are you Jane?" he interrupts me. I can just hang up on him again but I know that if I do he will just keep calling and if I don't answer he might call Sophia. "I don't know the address but the club is called The Boom" I finally say. "I know where it is. I'll be there in 10 minutes don't move" he hangs up before I can even get another word in. I throw my head back this is a bad idea every fiber in my body is telling me. It so hot in here that the back of my hair is sticking to my neck I need to go outside and get some fresh air. I slowly start walking my way outside to get some air. As soon as I step a foot outside the night breeze hits my face it feels like heaven. I walk to the side of the building to wait for Gabe. I don't want Sophia to see him here. I lean back on the wall trying to keep my balance. A few seconds later I see Mark and Ashley leaving the club. Damn I don't want them to see me I quickly turn around to hide my face. Please don't let them see me. "Jane is that you?" I hear Mark. I forgot that I have red hair now and can be spotted a mile away. I slowly turn around to face him. "Do you need a ride?" he ask as Ashley roll her eyes. What's her problem? I'm getting sick of her attitude. "No thank you I'm waiting for my ride" I smile. Where the hell is Gabe? Hasn't it been more than 10 minutes? "I can wait with you if you like" he kindly offers. Ashley is huffing and puffing like she is the big bad wolf. Poor Mark he deserve so much better than her. He is to nice of guy to be stuck with some one so swallow as Ashley. Just when I'm about to open my mouth to refuse his offer I spot Gabriel's black BMW pull up behind Mark. I'm so happy to see him that I can't stop my smile. "That won't be necessary my ride just got here" I point to Gabe. I push myself up and try walking as steady as possible. Which turns out to be very very hard with this heels and my wobbling legs. I give Mark a smile as I walk away but I trip over Ashley's foot. I brace myself for the fall but I never hit the floor. I open my eyes and see that Mark's arms are around me. Thank god for his cat reflects he caught me before I made a fool out of myself. "What the fuck Ashley?" he gives her an evil eye as he helps me back up. That is exactly what I want to know. "Excuse me Mark" that voice makes my hairs stand up "Have you seen my sister or her friend Jane?" Gabriel ask. Oh god please take me now. I shyly lift my head up as I fix my dress. I don't want to flash anybody. I push my hair out of my face "Hi". Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of him? It's like if that is my life purpose or something. "Jane?" he looks surprise as he takes the mess that I am. "Lava girl in the flesh" I smile and I notice that Mark's is still holding me. "Seriously?" Ashley ask and we all turn towards her. "What do you guys see in her? She looks like a female version of Chucky with that nasty red hair". What did she just say about me? Is one thing for Gabe to make fun of me but for this bitch to make fun of me is a different story. She has been giving me attitude and throwing death stares all fucking night. I had have enough of her she just push my last button. "I'll show you Chucky" I removes Mark's arm and throw myself at her but at the same time Gabe wraps his arms around my waist. I try shoving his arms off me but he just tightens his hold on me. "Wow there Rambo" he whisper into my ear. My body instantly relax and my legs go numb. I don't know if it's a reaction to the alcohol or to having him so close. "I'm so sorry" Mark apologizes. I'm so mad right now that I'm trying to come up with a way to get my hands on Ashley. Ashley gives me a what-are-you-going-to-do stare. This bitch must not now that I can rearrange her face in matter of seconds. Mark grabs her arm and drags her away. Gabriel spins us around and walks me to his car. "If I let you go do you promise not to run after that girl?" he ask. His breath on my skin makes me shiver. I want to say no just so he can hold me but instead I just nod my head. He lets go of me and reaches for his car door. I feel something in my chest flip when he opens the door for me. He extend his hand and I take it. Once I was sitting down he reach over my lap to buckle me up. He brushes my arm with his causing my body to react to him. His face is only a few inches away from mine. I'm so close to him that I can see his five o' clock shadow. It makes him look older than what he is. The car fills up with his cologne and I can't resist I close my eyes and lean in to smell him. He smells like coffee mix with axel. He smells so good. He clears his throat and I open my eyes. I didn't know I was this close to him. If I lean in anymore I'll be kissing his neck. I quickly pull back and avoid his stare. I notice that he is having trouble buckling me in and I laugh maybe my body isn't the only one that reacts when he is around. "I'm going to go get Sophia stay here" he pulls back. Shit I can't let him go in there. I grab his hand and just that simple contact sends a shiver down my spine "Please don't she will be so mad at me. She don't even know I called you" I say as my hand vibrates from his touch. Seriously I need to get my shit together and fast. "How is she going to get home?" he arched his eyebrow and I melt. I never notice how sexy he looks when doing that. "Her friend isn't drinking please" I squeeze his hand. He stares at my eyes as he is trying to make a decision. His stare is making me want to wiggle in my seat but I don't want to break this moment. "Fine under one condition," he says. I nod for him to continue "I can stay and wait with you until she comes home". He stares at me waiting for my answer. I bite down on my lip I don't know if being alone with him is such a good idea but I don't have a choice. "Deal" I smile and he just stares at me. Why is he still stating at me? "What's wrong?" I finally ask. Do I have something on my face? "I can't move," he says. "Why? What's wrong?" I look him over to make sure he is okay. He seems fine really fine. "You're still holding my hand" he smiles. I blush and immediately release his hand. I didn't even know I was still holding it. "I'm sorry" I whisper. He laughs and walks over to his side of the car. I can still feel his warm hand on mine. "So what exactly is an ask-hole?" he ask. I bust out in laughter. That is not even a real word I just came up with it. "An ask-hole is some one that ask to many questions just like you". I laugh as he stares at me. "So how do you get to know some one if you don't ask questions?" he ask. He has a point in order to know some one you have to ask questions. "Your right I'm just not use to being ask so many questions" I lick my lips. For some reason they feel really dry. "So how do you get to know people?" he ask. I shrug my shoulders "I don't". I hope he doesn't ask me for more details because I'm not giving them to him. "So I guess it's safe to say you weren't voted prom queen" he jokes. "Nope I didn't even go to school I was home school hell I have never been to a mall until today" I let out a small pathetic laugh. "What? Are you serious?" he looks shock. I lift up my right hand "So serious".

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