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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

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"Dad how come we never go out?" I ask my dad who is eating his dinner. We have all this money but we never go out. We are one of the richest family in Las Vegas my father owns many business. Including his own casinos if that's not rich than I don't know what rich is. My father has his own collection of brand new cars. Every year my father buys the newest car models that comes out and gives the old ones away to his employees. To top it off we lived in a huge house no scratch that a mansion. If my father really wanted too he could own a whole country. "Princess why would you want to go out? You have everything you need in here. You have your own movie theater, bowling alley, mall, gym, swimming pool inside and out. What else do you need?" he asked. I know he is right I do have all I need in here heck if I wanted my own Disney World I would have it but that's not the point. I've learned the hard way that you can have everything you want and still not be happy. "Friends," I say annoyed "I am a teenager I should be able to go out and do teen stuff". What's the point of having all of this if I have no one to share it with? Have you ever try bowling by yourself? Well let me tell you it's boring. This house feels so big and lonely with just me in it. My father is always busy working so it's only me and Nina, my nanny. Nina has been with me since I can remember. I love having her around but some times I wish I had some one my own age to hang out with. I have Sammy but she is 3 years younger than me. At that moment Brians, my father's personal assistant, walks in with Poppy, his body guard, dragging a man. The man is cover in blood. "Oh my Gosh! Some one call the ambulance" I yelled to one of the maids. What the hell is going on? What happen to him? I try getting up to help him but my legs aren't responding. I have never seen so much blood before. My stomach feels quizzy and I feel all color leaving my face. "What the hell Brains?," my dad asks furious as he walks over to me "You better have a good damn reason to bring that garbage around Jane". Garbage? I can't believe what I am hearing. What is my dad talking about that's a man! A human being for crying out loud. I stared at my dad in disbelieve why isn't he freaking out? Why is he calling that poor man garbage? Why does he sound mad instead of worry? And why in the hell is any one getting him some help! "Jane Princess snap out of it" I hear my dad's voice but I can't move. My body and mind is still in shock. All I can focus on is that poor man cover in blood. My mind is telling me to look away but my body refuses to listen. Is he even breathing? "Senor Rey," I hear Brain "I'm sorry I had no idea Misses. Jane was here". Where in the hell would I be? Everyone knows I'm not allow to go out. Wait is this what happens behind my back? "Get him out of here and clean up that mess. I'll deal with you later" my father barked. Brains nods as they turn to leave the man lifts up his head and our eyes lock. His eyes are fill with pain and fear. My stomach turns I think I'm going to be sick. I try to look away but I can't his eyes are begging me to help him. What should I do? Should I call the cops? How can I help him when I can't even move? My eyes follow his blood as it drips down his face onto the floor. His blood is forming a small puddle underneath him. My eyes travel up his face until I find his eyes again. That's the last thing I remember before everything goes dark. "Princess wake up" I hear my father's voice but it sounds far away. Oh god what is that smell? It's so strong. I move my head to the side trying to get away from that smell. "That's it princess smell it" my dad said. This has to be the most disgusting smell ever. I open my eyes and find my dad and Nina staring at me every thing looks blurry "What happen?". My head is pounding so hard it feels like some one is hitting me with a hammer. All I want to do is pop it off. I try to sit up but everything starts to spin so I lay back down. "Princess you fainted" my dad says calmly. What? Why would I fainted? That doesn't make sense and then everything comes rushing back. "Holly shit!" I quickly sit up causing everything to spin again. I remember the blood, the man asking for help. "What happen to the poor man?" I whisper afraid of what the answer will be. "Watch your language Jane you are a young lady and that's no way to speak" my father frowns. Is he kidding me? He is worry about my language when there is or was a dying man downstairs. I lift my head and sarcastically say "I am sorry where is-"

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