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Fear the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #9)

Page 23

With a shout of release, Caine gave one last thrust, his eyes squeezing shut as the profound bliss exploded through his body.

Cassie slowly drifted awake, heaving a sigh of contentment at the sensation of Caine’s warm arms wrapped around her and the steady beat of his heart beneath her ear.

Mmm. This was how every day should start. A warm bed, a delectable male wrapped around her, and not one demon lord, vampire-on-steroids, or crazed cur in sight.

Or at least she was assuming there were no lurking enemies. Just to make sure, she forced open her eyes to cast a quick glance around the room. Nope. She was all alone with her delicious, delectable, divine lover.

Yes, lover.


A smug smile curved her lips as the memories from the previous night flooded through her. Once she’d managed to convince the stubborn Were that she wasn’t some fragile treasure he had to protect, even from herself, he’d taught her the true meaning of desire.

Several times.

Breathing in the rich scent of his musk, Cassie tilted back her head. She wasn’t surprised to find Caine studying her with a slumberous gaze. She’d already sensed he was awake. What surprised her was the excited flutter of her heart even after hours of decadent sex.

“Good morning,” he murmured, his attention shifting over her shoulder to glance at the clock on the dresser. “Or I suppose I should say good afternoon.”

She stretched, too lazy to turn her head. “What time is it?”

“Just past two.”

She’d been out nearly five hours? Amazing.

About to admit she never slept so well alone, Cassie belatedly noticed Caine’s recently shaved face and the scent of soap that clung to his bronzed skin. He’d recently showered?

The sudden knowledge made her eyes narrow in suspicion. “Did you sleep?”

“I rested.”

She sighed, her expression one of guilt. “You were keeping guard, weren’t you?”

He smiled, angling his head down to kiss the tip of her nose. “I was enjoying the view.”

“I wish . . .”

“Shh.” His lips drifted lower, teasing the edge of her mouth. “How are you feeling?”

Her guilt was forgotten beneath the warm tide of pleasure. “Deliciously sated.”

He pulled back, his expression almost . . . sheepish. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She frowned in confusion. Hurt her? “Of course not.”

“I wasn’t always gentle.”

“Oh.” A faint blush touched her cheeks. Not at the memory of his aggressive lovemaking. They were pureblooded Weres. Rough and ready was part of their natures. But at the recollection of her wild response. “We both know my screams weren’t from pain.”

A growl rumbled in his chest, his eyes darkening with a ready heat. “Don’t give me encouragement unless you plan on spending the next several hours in this bed.”

With a wicked smile, she lifted her hand to brush the pale hair off his forehead. “Is that a promise?” Cassie felt his body tense at her husky words, the scent of his musk laced through the air.

“You, Cassandra, are a very dangerous female.”

Her smile widened as she inwardly gloated. She liked knowing how easily she could rouse his desire. “Dangerous is good,” she admitted. “It’s much better than loony.”

His brows snapped together, as if he were angered by her confession. “Don’t ever say that.”

“I don’t say it, other people do.”

“Not if they want to avoid a nasty death,” he rasped.

She blinked at his vehemence. He truly was upset. Then, with a wistful smile, she allowed her fingers to smooth down the angular line of his cheekbone. “My protector.”

“For all eternity.”

They both froze as his words seemed to hang in the air. Like a live grenade that might explode if anyone moved.

Did he say eternity?

Only mates stayed together for an eternity. Or at least that’s what she’d always believed.

So was he implying they were more than temporary lovers?


With one fluid movement, Caine was tossing aside the quilt and sliding off the bed. As if he was hoping to distract her.

And it worked.

No big shocker, of course. What female could think clearly when she was offered such a tempting view?

Caine was naked male perfection.

Lean, flawlessly chiseled muscles. A wide chest and wider shoulders. Smooth, bronzed skin. And a fully erect arousal that would make any man proud.

And any woman sigh in anticipation.

Ignoring her appreciative glance, Caine leaned down to tuck her hair behind her ear in a tender gesture. “Are you hungry?”

Cassie pressed her hand to her stomach as it growled on cue. “Starving,” she admitted.

“Understandable.” He smiled with sinful amusement, his fingers trailing down her jaw. “You expended a lot of energy.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

He chuckled, turning to cross the floor and pull a pair of faded jeans and white T-shirt from the dresser. “Have a shower while I make us some breakfast,” he said, quickly dressing. “There are clean clothes that should fit you in the closet.”

Sitting up, Cassie regarded him with a narrowed gaze. “Female clothes?”

The sapphire eyes twinkled and Cassie abruptly realized that the edge in her voice must be jealousy.

How odd.

“Most of them have never been worn.”


He shoved his feet in a pair of sneakers and then moved to place a lingering kiss on her forehead. “Later, I’ll go to the Jeep and get your suitcase,” he promised.

The disturbing sensation eased at his soothing touch. “Fine.”

“Come down to the kitchen when you’re ready.”

She watched him stroll out of the loft, a smile of satisfaction curving her lips. Who would ever have believed it? After thirty years of being crapped on by fate, she’d at last hit the jackpot.

And what a jackpot he was.

A pity she couldn’t halt time. She couldn’t imagine anything better than spending the rest of eternity alone with Caine in this isolated cabin.

Taking a few minutes to wallow in her rare sense of happiness, Cassie at last forced her lethargic body out of bed and into the shower. She truly was hungry. And besides, she didn’t want to spend one unnecessary minute away from Caine.

Once clean, she dried off in front of the window that overlooked the pond. The sun was shimmering on the water and the wildflowers danced in the breeze. A perfect invitation for a picnic, she decided.

With a smile of anticipation, Cassie pulled on a pair of khaki shorts and a scoop-neck white shirt. She shoved her feet into her own sneakers and combed her hair into a ponytail. Once presentable, she headed for the stairs.

A step away from the door, however, she staggered to a halt, her balance precarious as a vision slammed through her with shocking force.

She hissed in shock.

Usually, the visions flowed through her to appear as a floating hieroglyphic that she could decipher later. Sometimes she understood them. Sometimes she didn’t. But only rarely did she actually see her predictions in full-fledged living color as they seared through her mind.

Pressing her palms to her aching temples, she watched in confusion as the vision of herself came into focus. She was standing alone in the middle of a white fog that was so thick she couldn’t see through it. She sensed there was something lurking in the fog. Something so powerful that its mere presence was flaying the skin from her body.

Oh, Lord. She whimpered in pain. She wanted to curl into a tiny ball and pray the lurking thing wouldn’t notice her. But she couldn’t. The scent of Caine was drifting through the air and she knew she had to reach him.

He was in trouble.

Deep trouble.

Then, as if on cue, the fog slowly parted.

She cried out in shock as she caught sight of Caine. Oh, please blessed mother, no.

He was lying in the mist, his body twisted and deformed as if he’d been caught midshift, trapped between human and wolf. Impulsively she stepped toward him, only to come to a halt as he bared his fangs in warning.

Only then did she notice the sapphire eyes were filled with a feral insanity.

He didn’t recognize her.

The thought had barely flashed through her mind when he was awkwardly shoving himself upright, his savage howl echoing through the creepy fog. Frightened, Cassie backed away.

Precisely the wrong thing to do.

Lost in the savage instincts of his wolf, Caine tracked her movements with the cunning of a predator. In this moment she was his prey.

And he was preparing to attack.

Cassie didn’t fear for herself. She’d always assumed she was destined for an early grave. She was, after all, the only known prophet. The most desired and feared creature in the world.

No. She’d prepared for years to die. But if Caine came to his senses and realized what he’d done . . .

A gut-wrenching dread lodged in her heart. He would never, ever be able to forgive himself.

Or worse, what if he was stuck in that hideous state between wolf and man? What if he was forever trapped as a monster?

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