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Fallen Crest University

Page 17

“What are you talking about?”

He murmured so that no one else could hear, “Be careful, Mason. Okay?”

I was going to deny whatever he thought I was doing, but I saw it in his eyes. He knew. They were knowing, a little awed but also cautious. Instead, I nodded. “I will.”


Mason trailed kisses down my throat, lingering between my breasts, before groaning and lifting back up to meet my lips.

My god.

He pushed farther inside me, going deep, and I sighed from contentment as his mouth moved over mine.

I loved this man. The harder he went, the more I would unravel for him. The deeper he moved, the more I’d want to match him, thrust for thrust. Harder. Rougher. Deeper. As he moved, so did I. Our hips were glued to each other. I gasped, pleasure coursing through me.

As soon as I’d walked through his bedroom door, he pinned me against it and started kissing me. Not many words were shared. We didn’t need them, but as he readjusted his hold on my hands above me, I knew something was wrong. He was hungrier than normal, like he was starving to be one with me.

His hand swept down my side and gripped under my leg. I had a second to realize what he was doing as he reared back to thrust once more into me. He lifted me from the door and carried me to the bed. He held me up like that, and the sheer force of it rippled through his back. His arms were taut, holding me in place, and a thrill of adrenaline shot through me. This man, as he laid me down and gently fell with me, had so much power and strength.

I reveled in his caresses, loving every inch of him, as he went back inside before moving out and then back in. He was on top of me, but his weight was welcome. My wrists were stretched above me again, and then he lifted his head, watching me. He gazed down through lidded eyes, the stark need for me so bright and obvious in their depths. It was like an extra layer of emotion swimming over the surface. I saw it in his eyes and the way his mouth looked to be in pain from needing to touch mine again. It was even in how he grabbed my hip and moved it to the side, aligning his hips, so he could go even more inside me, reaching for a deeper angle. He was all the way in, sheathed there, as he held still for a second.

I was his.

What he wanted from me, I’d give.

I panted. I wanted to reach for him and pull him back to me, but he kept my wrists in his hand. This was for him.

He groaned, dipping back down to my lips. I felt his yearning once again, and I lifted up, pressing all of my body against his. We were both slick from sweat, so we seamlessly moved together, almost gliding against one another. He pulled out before going back inside me.

“Mason,” I murmured. I wanted his mouth on me, anywhere on me. I wanted him to go faster. I wanted to feel the ride.

The sensations were building. I was going to come.

“Sam,” he whispered, bending over so that his lips grazed my ear. He kept moving.

I felt his body tensing and knew he was right with me.

He cursed, gasping. “I love you.”

We both came together. I pulled at his hold on my wrists, but he held me, still pinned. I looked up to find he was watching me. A lazy smile adorned his face, and his free hand went to rub between my legs, right at my opening.

“Mason!” I jerked against his hand, feeling the sensations triple, as he started rubbing in a circular motion.

He pressed harder, but not too hard. I felt the buildup once again. Two waves were pressing onto me. I strained against him, trying to pause his caresses. I was going to come undone.

“Mason,” I whimpered. Please.

He kissed under my ear, finding my spot, and his hand moved faster and then slower before picking up speed, and pressing down. I couldn’t do anything. I was helpless.

He whispered, “Let go. This is for you.”

I was coming…

His hand kept rubbing.

He pulled out, but his finger dipped in me.

I gasped again. My back was off the bed. My hands, head, and legs were the only things touching.

Mason kept going. A second finger slid into me.


He started kissing my throat, moving up the side of my chin to the corner of my mouth. He held there, a teasing caress. I wanted his mouth on mine again. I always felt home when he was there. I turned my head, seeking his lips, but he moved back.

My eyes flashed in warning. I was going to get him back for this.

He grinned, his hand pumping in and out, as he rubbed at my tip.

“I’m—” I couldn’t talk. I was panting again.

This man…he was going to be the death of me.

Mason stilled his hand. He let go of my wrists, and I curved into him, holding on to him, as I rode out the sensations. My body continued to tremble as wave after wave crashed over me. I was a puddle of nothing by the time they stopped. I could die happily.

“Fuck. You.” I rolled to look at Mason.

He bit out a laugh before dropping a kiss to my mouth. “Did you enjoy that?”

I curved my hand over his shoulder, savoring the feel of his muscles. “I’m going to get you back. You know that, right?”

“I hope so.” He sat up. His eyes darkened once again as he took in the sight of me.

My breasts were full and erect. I was perspiring, and my eyes must’ve looked crazy. He trailed a hand down from my throat to my stomach, ending right between my legs. “I missed you so goddamn much.”

So goddamn much.

So goddamn much.

I remembered the texts we shared a while back. A wave of nostalgia rose up, and my throat swelled. We’d been apart during that time. My hand cupped the side of his face. “Hey,” I said softly, rising up to my elbow, “what’s wrong?” ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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