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Ethelyn's Mistake

Page 101

He felt better and stronger when supper was over, and listened eagerly

while Andy and Eunice, who had been the last with Ethelyn before her

sudden illness, recounted every incident as minutely and reverently as

if speaking of the dead. Especially did he hang on what Andy said with

reference to her questioning him about the breaking of a wicked vow, and

when Eunice added her mite to the effect that, getting up for some

camphor for an aching tooth, she had heard a groan from Ethelyn's room,

and had found her mistress bending over a half-finished letter, which

she "reckoned" was to him, and had laid away in the portfolio, he waited

for no more, but hurried upstairs to the little bookcase where Eunice

had put the treasure--for it was a countless treasure, that unfinished

letter, which he read with the great tears rolling down his cheeks, and

his heart growing tenfold softer and warmer toward the writer, who

confessed to having wronged him, and wished so much that she dare tell

him all. What was it she had to tell? Would he ever know? he asked

himself, as he put the letter back where he found it. Yes, she would

surely tell him, if she lived, as live she must. She was dearer to him

now than she had ever been, and the lips unused to prayer, save as a

form, prayed most earnestly that Ethie might be spared. Then, as there

flashed upon him a sense of the inconsistency there was in keeping aloof

from God all his life, and going to him only when danger threatened, he

bowed his head in very shame, and the prayer died on his lips. But Andy

always prayed--at least he had for many years; and so the wise strong

brother sought the simple weaker one, and asked him to do what he had

not power to do.

Andy's swollen eyes and haggard face bore testimony to his sorrow, and

his voice was very low and earnest, as he replied: "Brother Dick, I'm

prayin' all the time. I've said that prayer for the sick until I've worn

it threadbare, and now every breath I draw has in it the petition, 'We

beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.' There's nothing in that about

Ethie, it's true; but God knows I mean her, and will hear me all

the same."

There was a touching simplicity in Andy's faith, which went to the heart

of Richard, making him feel of how little avail was knowledge or wisdom

or position if there was lacking the one thing needful, which Andy so

surely possessed. That night was a long, wearisome one at the farmhouse;

but when the morning broke hope and joy came with it, for Ethelyn was

better, and in the brown eyes, which unclosed so languidly, there was a

look of consciousness, which deepened into a look of surprise and joyful

recognition as they rested upon Aunt Barbara.

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