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Entrusted (Club Destiny 7)

Page 40

“Logan.” Sam met his gaze. “I need you.”

He leaned forward, pressing his lips to her back. She had to turn back to face Elijah so that she didn’t strain her neck and when she did, Elijah gripped her thighs, pulling her to him so he went even deeper.

“Don’t move,” Logan warned them, his hand pressing down on Sam’s back. “I’m going to fuck your sweet ass, baby.”

His voice sounded tortured and Sam knew he was hanging on by the same frayed thread that she was. It had been a long time since they’d done this. Her body craved it. Craved both of these men.

And she was tired of waiting.


Logan had expected to be jealous. Even a little bit.

Oddly, he wasn’t.

The emotion he felt was strange. Foreign. But it wasn’t even remotely close to jealousy.

No, the fact that Elijah was there, his entire focus on Sam, looking at her as though she were the most important woman in the entire world… Well, it settled Logan somewhat. Elijah wouldn’t hurt her. And Logan had a good feeling he wouldn’t walk away from her either.

That’s what Sam needed.

What he needed.

Even if he hadn’t realized it until tonight. But it was true.

Logan gripped his dick, squeezing it tightly to keep from coming right there on Sam’s naked back. He had placed the condom on Elijah so they could get on with it. At first, the idea had weirded him out, but it was a hell of a lot easier than he’d thought. It was intimate, yet not. It did nothing for Logan to touch Elijah, but he had accomplished his goal and now he could see Elijah buried to the hilt inside of Sam, her pussy stretched around him as she arched forward, her ass thrust high in the air.


Grabbing the tube of lubrication, Logan squeezed a generous amount on Sam’s exposed hole, before coating his condom-covered cock.

He had to place his hand on Sam’s back once more, to get her to lower herself and provide him with a better angle. But then she was perfectly positioned and he was lining up, the head of his cock disappearing into her slowly.

Hot. So fucking hot. And tight.

He ground his teeth together as her body tightened and her back stiffened.

“Relax for me, Sam. Bear down, right now.” When she did, Logan pushed in deeper, doing his best to go slow, only fuck… That tight ring of muscles squeezed him, her body pulling him in.

“Oh, God. It…” Sam didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence because Elijah had pulled her head down, their mouths crushed together.

Sweat was beading on Logan’s forehead, his chest, his forearms, by the time he was fully seated inside of Sam, the firm ridge of Elijah’s cock pressed against him inside of her.

Tight. So fucking tight.

“Damn,” Elijah growled, his hips thrusting up, rocking Sam’s body.

Logan closed his eyes, pulled out slowly and then entered her again. He did this over and over, only now he was watching them. Watching where he and Elijah were filling her, the way Elijah held her hips and pressed up inside of her when Logan retreated. They’d established a rhythm that Sam seemed to enjoy because she was moaning, her head tossed back.

“Does it feel good, Sam?” Elijah asked, his accent a little thicker than before. “Do you like to be filled by both of us?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice strained.

“Your pussy’s so tight,” Elijah told her. “I bet your ass is strangling Logan.”

“Fuck yes,” Logan growled as he thrust back inside of her.

“Are you ready to come for us?” Elijah was the one doing all the talking now.

“Yes. Make me come, Elijah. Logan, please make me come.”

Logan’s heart swelled, the sound of his name on her lips did that to him though.

Unable to refrain any longer, Logan began to thrust deeper, harder. Over and over, in time with Elijah’s shallow thrusts from beneath her. It wasn’t until Sam announced that she was coming at the same time she reached back and clawed Logan’s thigh when he finally reached the pinnacle. That was what pushed Logan right over the edge, hard and fast.

“Fuck! I’m coming.”

“Oh, yeah,” Elijah said, his cock pulsing against Logan’s deep inside of Sam. “Fuck yes.”

Chapter Thirteen

Friday morning, Elijah found himself roaming his small house, pacing the floors as his mind continued to replay the night he’d spent with Sam and Logan. A constant loop that didn’t want to stop.

Three days had passed since Elijah had gone to their house. Three long days that he’d spent immersed in work. Another trip to Florida – hopefully the last – keeping his mind off of all of the emotions that had been plaguing him. His plane had been delayed last night and he hadn’t made it back to the house until midnight which was why he hadn’t bothered to go into the office that morning. At least not yet. He was working that direction, trying to get himself focused, but it wasn’t working.

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