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Entrusted (Club Destiny 7)

Page 25

It’d been a major turn on.

“Five minutes, that’s all I need,” he told her and turned her toward the door, swatting her bare butt to send her on her way.

With a shriek of laughter, Sam started moving. Faster than she thought possible.

Chapter Seven

After Sam made her way outside, Logan cleaned the kitchen. Not because he was stalling but because Sam had worked so hard to prepare a nice dinner, he wanted to ensure she wouldn’t take on the chore of cleaning up.

Once that was finished, he discarded his shoes, grabbed two glasses and a bottle of wine and made his way out to the hot tub where his beautiful, naked wife waited for him.


Just like he’d asked her to be.

Honestly, Logan hadn’t really expected her to be naked. And he certainly hadn’t expected her to make him dinner. But again, the woman had surprised him. He loved when she did that.

As for what his original intentions were when he’d made the suggestion earlier, he really didn’t have anything planned, other than to ravish her the way she deserved. Although, he did intend to keep her in suspense, especially since he’d had to eat dinner while she sat naked and patient across from him. That had been torture.

It had taken everything in him just to keep from taking her right there on the table.

Yes, he wanted her that badly.

“Hi,” she greeted when he joined her outside.


“Is that for me?”

Logan glanced down at the bottle of wine and then smiled at her. “That and more.”

Sam laughed, a lyrical sound that he loved. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

Good question. What was he waiting for?

Setting the glasses and the bottle on the side of hot tub, Logan hurried out of his clothes, leaving them where they landed at his feet and then climbing into the tub of warm water. Before he made it all the way in, Sam had moved directly in front of him.

“What are you doing?” he asked, not needing an answer. He knew exactly what she was doing and his dick was quickly rising to the occasion.

“Greeting you appropriately,” she informed him, her wet hands sliding up his legs and then pushing his knees farther apart while he perched on the side of the tub. “Is that all right with you?”

“More than all right, baby.”

Sam didn’t waste any time before she took his cock into her mouth, long before her hands ever made it around him. She sucked him in deep and he groaned while sliding his fingers through her silky hair.

“God, baby. I love when you do that.” Boy did he. The woman had a wicked mouth.

He kept his eyes fixed on her as she sucked him, her tongue teasing along the underside of his shaft while she looked up at him.

“Just like that,” he instructed, holding her head firmly, pulling her closer. He had to fight to keep his ass planted on the ledge, rather than thrusting forward, trying to drive his cock deeper.

Sam’s soft moans sent vibrations along his cock, while her mouth worked him perfectly. “Slow down, baby,” he told her, holding her hair more firmly when she began to bob her head in earnest. “I’m not ready to come just yet.”

Hell, he wasn’t ready to come at all. He’d much rather let her suck him for hours because it felt so damn good.

“Fuck, Sam. Your mouth feels good.” He knew how much she liked when he talked to her.

Sam pulled her head back, still looking up at him, his cock falling from her mouth. “Tell me,” she whispered.

“Tell you what?” he asked curiously.

“Like you did last night.”

A surge of adrenaline caught fire inside of him as the memory of the night before rushed back. Sam had been fire in his arms after he’d started telling her exactly what he and Elijah would be doing to her the first chance they had. It was the second time he’d done it in the past week and she’d ignited just as he suspected.

“Did you have someone in mind?” he asked, feigning ignorance. He already knew the answer. From the moment that Elijah had walked into their playroom at Devotion, Logan got the distinct impression that Sam was very interested in the man.

And truthfully, Logan was more than happy with her unabashed interest in Elijah.

Logan had talked to Elijah in depth just that afternoon. Although he’d had a brief email exchange with him that morning when Elijah asked about dinner, Logan had decided to call him on his way home from the golf course.

To make sure they were both on the same page.

They were.

And what he’d learned about Elijah had actually been very promising. Especially where Sam was concerned. The man wasn’t shy about his intentions. That was a good thing because Logan wasn’t either.

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