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Its past one week, Aditya in and out worries about Mike; due to the complications of his health. Nurse Maria enters Aditya’s cabin and informs about Mike’s health records graph. As she takes information about his medical treatment, Doctor Aruna Chapel enters Aditya’s cabin. Aditya turns towards Aruna and gives a broad smile.

Aruna and Aditya are college mates, studied medicine in the same university for long. Aditya looks at Aruna and feels at home. Hey Ari, how r you? Adi is that you, boy its astounding to look at you. You have turned out to be more smart in your looks, your profile. Wonderful to see you. They both go for a short break at nearby café.

Both come back to hospital and its half past two in the afternoon. Aditya checks on Mike and feels dishearten and heads towards other patients ward. He finishes his routine check and goes back to his cabin. Aruna walks towards his cabin, and sneaks at him. Adi what’s wrong?? Ari iam badly stepping back in one of the patient’s case study. He hands over Mike’s record history to Ari and walks out and drives back home.

Aruna goes home along with the Mike’s record and studies his case the whole night. Aruna’s husband Tony Chapel who is the most popular lawyer awakes in the middle of the night to check where Aruna his wife is, walks towards her study room and checks with her about the case and wishes her and goes back to sleep.

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