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Elven Roses

Page 154

But alas, the past, present, and future were all in the hands of the Divine. And it proved very much true with herself and Aldrec. Only a year ago, she was contented with being his friend, and seeing him as handsome and interesting, but a friend nonetheless. And now, a year, three months, and a life-changing kiss later, they were now husband and wife.

Husband and wife … it felt so strange saying or even thinking it, and applying the terms to Aldrec and herself. But she knew that she would have to get used to it. She smiled, musing over the notion of them starting a life together.

Still, she could not help but feel a tinge of fear at the prospect of him leaving. Was it really true what the Council of his people had told him all those long ages ago? He revealed himself to her in his true, beautiful, terrible form, but so far, nothing had happened. And now, they were married. Even if he would leave this world, would the Divine be so cruel as to rip him from the arms of the only one whom he had ever loved? Would he be so callous as to see her cry in anguished, empty grief as he vanished from her life forever?

She shivered as a slight chill came on the winds. Silently, she prayed that their time together would at least be long enough to ease the pain of separation, should that day actually come.

"Tulyr, stand up," Aldrec's voice said from behind.

"Love?" Mericlou said, standing up as per his command.

But Aldrec was not behind her, she realized once she turned around, nor was he anywhere to be found.

That brief thought, however, was torn from her list of cares, as her full attention instead had become focused upon the change that came over the glade.

And what a change it was!

White roses blanketed the ground where trees did not grow. Soft, velvety blossoms now grew where there was once the green of grasses and shrubs, the gray of mushrooms, and variable hues of wildflowers. Some even grew out of the trees, transforming her surroundings into something akin to a strange, magical wintertime.

Motionless with wonder, he stared at the peculiar, yet beautiful scene, until she heard Aldrec's voice call her once again.

"Come, Tulyr."

She turned in its direction. It sounded as though he had been directly behind her, but still, he was mysteriously absent. She noticed that a path had been laid out in the sea of flowers back towards Vinta, and so, taking the path, she made her way back, surprised even more that none of the roses had thorns.

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