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Elven Roses

Page 14

Aldrec was silent, but gazed at her understandingly.

"So I imagine you have a good idea about my situation now," Mericlou said, smiling sadly. "And it's partially because of having to put up with waste like that, that my day turned out so badly. Even the purse-snatcher is a normal thing for female-type androids of my model. Most of us are passive and fragile-hearted, so we're the victims of a lot of petty crime."

"Now that, I knew," Aldrec said. "I've seen more than a few purse-snatchings involving androids in recent years. Today was the first time I was able to help stop one." He smiled at her, and she blushed. It showed up in striking contrast upon her white skin.

"By the way," Aldrec added, "if you don't mind my asking, what exactly was it that happened to you today -aside from the obvious- to make it turn out so badly?"

"Oh, it was just the usual things that most humans try to pull, "Mericlou said, not the least bit offended. "They try to haggle over prices that we make clear are non-negotiable, or they call in, complaining that they want their money back because we didn't do something properly, when we take the time to write down and double-check. It just happened more often today than normal, and my brothers left me with the lion's share of it." She frowned. "The purse-snatching just topped it all off."

"Well, it seems that because of me, you got the last laugh," Aldrec said, grinning at the thought of seeing the thief opening up an empty purse in whatever dark corner he slunk into after getting away. He laughed, joined in a second later by Mericlou.

Mericlou abruptly stopped, her amber eyes becoming wide and attentive.

"Hold on a moment, will you? She said, reaching into Aldrec's hip satchel -now hers- and removing her ether link. She ran her hand over its dull silver orb, turning it the soft, shimmering blue of an established connection.

Her face fell into an annoyed grimace.

"Alaema, what did I tell you about calling me at this time of day?" She scolded at nothing, the ether link forging the communication directly into her mind.

"Okay, if Skori told you, then I guess it's important. … Yes … Yes, I did that too. … Where I am is none of your business! … Well, if you want to know so badly, somebody stole my purse, and a nice elf helped me out. And now he's treating me to a drink in the park. … Why do you care if he's got a pretty face or not? … No, I'm not going to ask him that, you little …! Anyway, I thought you swore off of that. … Whatever. …Well, anyway, what did Skori want? … What? … Oh my god, I did forget! Okay … Yes, I'll get that done right away. … Tell him not to worry; I've got it this time. … Okay, bye."

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