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Eleventh Grave in Moonlight

Page 54



Bat-shit crazy really brings out the color in my eyes.



An hour later, we were sitting at our kitchen table, the small one that was actually in the kitchen. Not the ginormous one that seated more friends than I had.


I’d texted Amber and got the A-okay on the current sitch, except that all her friends were falling in love with her “cousin.” She didn’t know exactly what Osh was, but she did know he was a supernatural being. And that it was getting annoying. Girls who had never spoken to her were suddenly her best friends.


I looked at Reyes. Amazing how that worked.


I’d also checked on Cookie, but she did not want to be disturbed. Apparently she was onto something insane on the Fosters. Any time Cookie got that excited, I got that excited. And curious.


“Okay,” Reyes said, pulling me out of my musings and sidling up to me. “Hand through heart.”


“Um, no?”


“Dutch,” he said, trying not to grin. “How better to learn to control this than to give you dire consequences if you fail?”


Male logic at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.


“Just try it.”


“Reyes, no. I’m not risking your life so that I can control where I end up in the universe when I accidently dematerialize in a fit of rage.”


“Exactly. In the universe. What if you dematerialize on the dark side of the moon?”


“The album?”


“The round rock in the sky.”


“Oh, yeah. That glowy thing. Still not doing it.”


“Dutch, you won’t kill me. We’re gods, remember?”


“That’s something else I want to talk to you about. How does that work exactly? I mean, what if I’m thrown into a wood chipper?”


“Later. Hand through heart.”


I let out an annoyed breath and turned toward him. “This is so weird.”


“Just concentrate.”


“What if I materialize while I’m still in your chest?”


“You won’t. That would actually take more concentration than what you’ll be doing.”


I put my hand on his chest. “In what way?”


“That would be purposely taking someone’s life.”


“I thought you said —”


“Not my life. Just in general. You can only do that if that is your strongest desire. If you really and truly want to kill someone. Otherwise, you can’t materialize inside me. It’s like a built-in safety switch.”


“How do you know all this?”


“It took me a while to figure it out.”


I drew back my hand and straightened again. “You figured out how to kill someone using this ability?”


He lowered his head. “I did.”


I blinked. “And have you… I mean, did you ever…?”


After a long moment of silence, he said, “I have. Once. I was in a maximum-security prison, Dutch.” He let that sentiment hang in the air and faced me again. “Hand. Heart.”


I lowered my head. Forced myself to concentrate, then let the molecules in my hand drift apart. It was like sand on the wind, and slowly, I pushed them through his chest.


I expected to feel… something. His muscle. His rib cage. His left ventricle. But I didn’t feel anything.


“It’s because you are no longer on the plane where my body is,” he said, reading my mind.


Not literally. God, I hoped not literally.


“And, no, I can’t read your mind.”


Holy crab apples.


“You – or, more accurately – your hand is on the celestial plane while the rest of you and all of me are on the mortal one. It’s all about shifting from one plane of existence to another.”


“Then how did you…? Why did I come earlier?”


“Ah, that’s the next class. Advanced Cellular Manipulation for Fun and Profit.”


I laughed, and suddenly my hand was physical, lying against his chest again. Over his heart.


I jerked it back. “I didn’t do that.”


“Told you.” His grin was infectious. “You can’t just materialize inside someone without a lot of practice.”


“And a lot of anger, I suspect.”


“Yeah, that, too. Try it again.”


We did the hand-through-the-heart thing a few more times, then advanced to him standing still while I walked through him. Through his body. Literally. He stood in front of me, hands in his pockets, while I dematerialized my whole everything and just passed right through him.


I laughed the first time I did it and clapped my hands like a kid on a waterslide. Then I cleared my throat and returned to my normal state of absolute coolness.


Just kidding. I have never been to the state of Coolness, though Ubie told me he drove through it once.


“Meet me over there,” Reyes said. He dematerialized and rematerialized on the other side of the room. It was a large room. “Your turn.”


I drew in a lungful of air, then shifted onto the celestial plane. Wind whipped around me. Thunder crashed. Lightning hit. The colors were so bright I lost sight of Reyes and rematerialized where I stood.


“Again,” Reyes-Wan said.


“I can’t see you.”


“Then you aren’t looking.”


That was helpful. I shifted again and tried walking to where I knew Reyes stood.


“Don’t walk over here. Be over here.”


I gave up. “You know, I can’t tell if you’re channeling Obi-Wan or Yoda more.”

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