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Eighth Circle

Page 78

The cubicle was furnished with two chairs and a control panel. Images on the screen showed what was available. They ranged from hulking combat trolls in full body armour to palace trolls in palace uniforms.

Huge brutes with horns were armed with scythes and diminutive palace trolls had bows with poisonous arrows. A note below the palace trolls said they were drawn from individuals that had failed to show adequate respect for their betters and their fate would serve as a warning to others.

Tom watched as Balduur surveyed the possibilities. The rules of the game said they were allowed three hundred combatants and must select them in batches of fifty. As first-time players, they were given first choice.

Balduur's eyes flicked from one group of gladiators to the next as he assessed the possibilities. Some took his fancy. Others caused him to scowl. He reached the palace trolls and stabbed a stubby finger at the screen.

'I don't want any of those.'

Immediately, fifty terrified palace trolls emerged from a door in the side of the arena and huddled together. Death trolls with whips drove them to Tom's end.

Balduur glared at them. 'What are they doing there?'

'You've just picked them.' Tom explained.

'I said I didn't want 'em.'

'Then you shouldn't have touched the screen.'

'Send 'em back.'

'We can't. The rules won't allow it.' Tom stretched out his hand. 'I'll put them in the centre where they'll blunt the enemy's advance.'

'You mean sacrifice 'em?'

'That's right. Use them as a cushion.'

Tom moved his first batch of gladiators into place on the control screen and the palace trolls were moved into the corresponding place in the arena. It was now the turn of the rival team. He imagined a lengthy discussion between heads in jars. But the response was immediate. Before he could give thought to his next choice, fifty more palace trolls had arrived and were being herded into place at the opposing end of the arena.

'They're stupid,' Balduur pulled a face. 'I'd have chosen ...'

Tom tried to stop him but too late. A stubby finger jabbed at the screen and fifty horned trolls appeared. They rode on huge boars and were armed with pikes. Tom allocated them to his left wing and the opposing team did likewise.

They're copying us,' Balduur said.

'Looks like it.'

'There's no point in trying to win.'

'Nah,' Tom grinned. 'We should concentrate on making it interesting. Let's see what happens when trolls on pigs fight trolls on elks.'

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