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Eighth Circle

Page 35

That suggested they weren't mere images but hi-tech party toys that had been built for the amusement of the partygoers and the monkeys. He had seen something similar in his former realm and concluded that the fairies were a more advanced version. Then one left its flower and hurtled towards him. He raised a hand to ward it off and the thing seemed to pass straight through him.

The girls were amused by his confusion.

'Don't they have fairies where you come from, Professor?'

'Ours have magic wands,' he announced grandly.

They beckoned and the fairy flew back. This time it had a wand in its hand. Tom did his best to hide his amazement. He didn't want to appear like a naive schoolboy who was over impressed by party tricks. He glanced around trying to discover how it was done and the fairy vanished.

One moment he was staring at its tiny wand. The next he was peering into the eyes of an ancient woman. He mistook her for another illusion then realised the fairy was the illusion and the woman was real. The old crone had been there all the time, standing behind an ornamental screen which had suddenly faded away.

She reached out a bony hand.

'Welcome to our august company, Professor.'

Tom felt her steely grip and was reminded of the man in the mask.

'We have been awaiting you, Professor.'

She wasn't as intimidating as the masked man but her presence was scarcely calming. Tom raised himself to his full height and maintained a steady gaze as her eyes bore into him. They were bright blue and shone like diamonds. Her hair was blue and there was a blue tinge to her scrawny skin. Tom concluded that he had encountered his second guardian.

Go!' She waved a dismissive hand and the girls fled.

Her gaze returned to Tom.

'The young women await you, Professor. You will partake of their company later this evening. But, first, you will accompany me. My colleagues will have words with you.'

Tom didn't like the way that was phrased and hoped it was no more than an odd turn of speech. The bony hand continued to hold him in a vice-like grip and was remarkably strong for someone with such a frail frame.

'I have summoned a pod,' she said.

'A pod?'

'A vehicle to convey us to high table. My colleagues have begun to arrive. Tonight is the the Festival of the Full Moon and we are desirous of your presence. You shall be our special guest. We are confident that you can add sparkle and enjoyment to the proceedings.

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