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Eighth Circle

Page 102

The swim was long and arduous. Crispin had warned that the spy drones monitored movement on the surface so they must maintain a good distance between Allain's boat and the research vessel. The central computer kept the vessel under constant surveillance and anyone getting too close could expect a visit from the rapid reaction squad.

There was no wind. Liala figured that Allain would be using his outboard motor and pretending to be a rich Elm Grove resident out for a day's fishing. They had seen people fishing from pleasure boats. Some were using their outboards to tow lures. Others were at anchor fishing with fixed lines.

Allain had two small cod in his basket when they surfaced beside him. Oona slipped under Liala and lifted her out of the water. Liala handed her ray gun to Allain and was preparing to climb on board when the sea erupted about them.

Orcas rocketed up from the deep. It was as if they had been waiting for this moment. She snatched her gun back and shot at them as they left the water. Two bloodied bodies crashed down and the rest retreated beneath the surface. She could see them menacing the dolphins and saw the sea boil when Bryn fired at them with his ray gun.

Then the monster appeared. It had been frightening before. Seen from a small boat it was totally mindboggling. The creature had a curled tongue. Liala had seen frogs shoot out their tongues and devour insects with one fast hit.

She felt like a fly on a leaf and held her breath as things like whiskers rubbed against the side of the boat. The boat rocked to the side and she found herself face-to-face with the monster. Its huge pussycat mouth opened and the curled tongue appeared ... poised for action.

Bryn fired first and she followed. They blasted away at the creature's head. Steam rose and blood squirted into the air. She expected the monster to thrash around but it didn't. The huge creature sank without a struggle. Pussycat arms reached out and it swam slowly away, leaving a dark trail behind it.

'Throw me a line.'

She heard Bryn's voice.

'The orcas are back. I'll stay under.'

She tossed a rope over the side and Allain started the outboard motor. It wasn't designed for speed and was slow under the best of conditions. It would be even slower with Bryn in tow. They would have to cope the best they could. There was no way they would outpace the orcas.

The beasts kept their distance but wouldn't go away. The dolphins stayed close to Bryn. Liala leant over the side and watched as he hung onto the rope with one hand and grasped his ray gun with the other. It had already killed three orcas and thrown up clouds of steam in the process. Like Bryn, it was getting close to exhaustion. She prepared to join him in the water.

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