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Easy to Love You

Page 41

“Good deal. Come on; let’s go see what the hell’s happening in there.” Zeke and I excused ourselves.

When we’d made it up the stairs and into the kitchen, Hailey and CC were standing in front of two shot glasses on bar stools, hands behind their back.

Bentley stood in front of them, “Remember, you can’t touch the glasses.”

Both girls nodded.

“Ready. Set. Go!” Bentley said.

The girls bent down, lips over the rim on the shot glass. CC had hers secure and started standing up, Hailey right behind her. Both girls tipped the heads back. My eyes locked on CC’s throat. I heard her suck in a quick breath then I saw her throat bob as she swallowed the shot. Fuck that was hot. She leaned down again, dropped the shot glass on the bar stood and quickly glanced at Hailey who was two seconds behind her.

“Sucker, I beat you.” CC cheered.

Hailey wiped her mouth, “Yeah, well I’m sure you have more practice than I do.” Then Hailey looked over at Mason and smiled.

Mason, in turn, glared at her and then at me, I threw my hands up in defense. “Hey, I didn’t say anything, and I assure you Kenz needs more practice.” I laughed my ass off then ran, practically tackled CC and carried her to our room before Mason could punch me or even say anything for that comment.

I heard Mason yell out “Asshole” when I’d reached the steps.

I shut and locked the door, then pulled CC into my arms. I kissed her long and slow.

She gave me one last kiss on the lips before she took a step back and reached for the bottom of her dress. She pulled it over her head, fell back onto the bed, and leaned on one elbow. “Hunter, make love to me.”

I did just that. I made love to her until the sun came up, and then, completely spent, we fell asleep tangled up in each other’s arms. We were tucked away in our own little world, blocking out all the sounds from the party below, forgetting about Brittany, my dad, and all the shitty things going on outside of this room.


Hunter and I were woken by a scream from Hailey. I sat straight up, as did Hunter.

“What the hell was that?” He asked.

I pulled the sheet up to my chest and turned towards him, “I think it was Hailey. I wonder if she fell in.” I said while giggling.

Hunter laughed and fell back on the bed. I pushed the covers down and straddled him; I leaned back and pulled the covers over my shoulders.

Hunter moaned, grabbed my h*ps and slowly started grinding my h*ps against him. “Good morning baby.”

“Morning,” I placed both hands on either side of his head and kissed him.

He shifted and just started teasing my entrance when someone started banging on the door. “Shit!” Hunter said, but didn’t pull out.

“Shh,” Whoever’s on the other side of the door was going to have to wait.

“Kenz open the door damn it!” Hailey said, pounding on the wood.

I laughed and Hunter cursed under his breath, “Seriously? Will we ever get rid of her?”

I shook my head, “What Hails? I’m busy.”

“MacKenzie open this damn door!” Mason roared.

I sat up and Hunter put an arm over his eyes, “Let me throw shorts on real quick, then I’m acting like I’m sleeping. Hurry up and come back to bed.”

I slid off of him and glanced around for my clothes, I couldn’t find anything so I threw on Hunter’s T-shirt, it came down to mid-thigh on me, while he threw on his shorts and dove back into bed.

I yanked open the door, “What the hell’s going on?”

Mason looked over my shoulder, trying to see what the hell was going on. Thankfully Hunter was face down, I pushed Mason’s stomach and stepped out of the room and shut the door behind me.

“What’s going on?” I asked again.

“I pissed myself.” Hailey said, completely serious.

That’s all it took and I completely lost it, I was doubled over laughing my ass off. Mason was no better once I started.

“I’m glad this amuses you guys. I seriously don’t know what happened. I was sitting on the toilet and next thing I know it was running down my legs.” Hailey whined.

“How much did you drink last night?” I said, holding my stomach and laughing.

“No more than you. Mason hauled me off to bed after you left. So what the hell happened, because this only happens when I still feel drunk the next morning?” Hailey said with this puppy dog face.

Mason wrapped her in his arm, still laughing. Bentley stuck his head out of his bedroom door, “Welcome home, Hailey,” then quickly slammed the door.

I fell to the floor laughing; I’d never laughed this hard in my entire life, I had cramps in my stomach and couldn’t breathe.

Hailey punched Mason in the stomach, “You’re supposed to protect me from that, not stand here laughing at me.” Mason couldn’t even answer her because he was still laughing.

After a few minutes I calmed down a bit and stood up. I walked down to the bathroom at the end of the hall and sure enough there was a puddle of piss on the floor. I had to lean on the door frame to keep myself standing.

“Um, Hails.” I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “He got you with the Saran Wrap prank.”

“Son of a bitch! Benny, you’re dead!” She yelled at Benny’s door.

Benny was known for the Saran Wrap prank, he’d gotten Hailey with it once before and almost got me a couple of times. He was always up to something, trying to get us to fall for one of his pranks. He’d once gotten Hunter with toothpaste and Oreo cookies; to this day Hunter refuses to eat them.

I left Mason to help Hailey clean up the mess and kiss her ego all better. I climbed back into bed with Hunter, still giggling.

“Saran Wrap again?” Hunter asked, snaking his arms around me.

“Yup, she looked like she was about to cry.” I said, still snickering.

Hunter climbed on top of me; I instantly stopped laughing and lost myself in him.

A few hours later we were showered and ready to go see Zeke. According to Bentley, Mason and Hailey still hadn’t emerged from their room, so we left without them.

Zeke was ready for us when we arrived, “Alright, you going first Kenz?”

I looked over at Hunter, now I was nervous. I was fine the whole time; that is until it was really time to get it done.

I nodded and lay my stomach on the chair Zeke had in his booth. Hunter sat on a stool near my head and grabbed a hold of my hand. “Relax, at first it will hurt but then you’ll be fine.”

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