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Page 151

He grinned.

"How will I ever survive without you?" I assumed an exaggerated damsel-in-distress pose.

As with the first time he kissed me, he surprised me once again. Cupping the back of my neck, he brought my face to his and pressed his lips to mine. My world stopped, the way it had the first kiss, and within seconds, everything from his heat to his scent to his strength had filled my senses.

I expected some small, token effort of resistance from my mind, some tiny voice that screamed at me to stop and consider what I was doing.

Nothing came - except for hunger.

I eased closer and opened to him, leaning into him and knowing he was strong enough to support and protect me. His arms wrapped around me, his body enveloping me with heat and strength that made it safe for me to melt into him. The need rising from the furnace in my stomach was of a different kind than any I had felt before. I craved him with intensity that felt wild, raw, new, the kind that went beyond the physical desire screaming in my blood to the part of me I hadn't ever wanted to bare to anyone.

In that moment, I didn't care if his fire burnt me to a crisp. I wanted to be consumed by him - every last part of me.

"I am a wolf in every way, my lamb. Are you prepared?" His husky question sent a shudder of desire through me.

"Yes," I whispered.

He lifted me to my feet and kissed me once more.

His large, warm hand slid beneath my clothing to my skin. I shivered, amazed at how small and delicate his size and strength made me feel. His touch was firm, possessive, as he swept my clothing off with ease and quickness before stripping off his own. His hands swept over my body, but not for long. His urgency was as great as mine, and I felt it in the slight tremble of his fingers and the long, thick erection pressed to my belly.

Batu claimed what was his too decisively to tease or wait. He lifted me onto his hips and pierced me fast and deep. I gasped at the sudden sensation that was almost painful with his size and wrapped my legs around him. He knelt and lowered me onto my back without leaving my body. I let my palms skim the incredible strength of the coiled muscles of his back and ran my fingers through his hair. He kissed me breathless and began thrusting, hard, deep thrusts that were slow enough for me to feel every tiny, blissful sensation.

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