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Duncan (Vampires in America #5)

Page 40

Duncan knelt on the bed and ran his hands up her legs, caressing her calves beneath the silk of her stockings, pressing her thighs open as his touch moved to the delicate skin between her legs. Emma felt her face heat as he spread her thighs even wider, as his hot gaze settled on the swollen folds of her sex. He raised his head to meet her eyes, then licked his lips slowly, deliberately.

Emma gasped, feeling her face get even hotter when he stretched out between her legs and palmed her butt, his thumbs coming up to open her wide. Her breath caught as he ran his tongue through the folds of her slit. She was already wet and slick from the thundering orgasms Duncan had given her, and he lapped it up like cream, his tongue dipping into her shivering core, gliding along every crease and fold until he finally licked her so sensitive clit. Her muscles jerked in reaction and he did it again, circling around and over that tight bundle of nerves in an unpredictable pattern, tormenting her.

Emma fisted her hands in his hair, her need so overpowering, she forgot to be embarrassed, too focused on deciding whether she wanted to hold him in place or pull him away. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, as she struggled to process the overload of feelings. Not only his mouth on her pussy, or his wicked tongue teasing her clit, but the press of his big shoulders against her thighs, the silken slide of his hair against her belly. But even more was the simple fact that it was Duncan doing these things.

“Duncan,” she whispered, wanting to tell him it was too much, that she couldn’t handle so many different sensations all at once. But as if anticipating her protest, he suddenly sucked hard on her clit, taking it into his mouth like a juicy morsel of fruit.

The orgasm rocketed through her without warning, her abdomen clenching tightly as her inner muscles rippled, trying to hold onto a cock that wasn’t even there. He’d brought her to a climax with just his mouth, and unbelievable ecstasy speared her through and through. Emma screamed, unable to hold it back, no longer caring if anyone heard.

Duncan gripped the firm globes of Emma’s ass, drinking in the sweet nectar of her orgasm as she convulsed beneath him. God, she was wet. And she tasted so good. Her cream was almost as good as the tiny taste of blood he’d had from her breasts earlier. It had taken supreme self control to satisfy himself with only the scent of her blood, with nipping at the skin above her vein and knowing that soon he would have Emma’s blood rolling like liquid velvet down his throat.

And she’d been so ready for him. When he’d brushed the dull edge of his fangs against her skin, she hadn’t pulled away, hadn’t shrieked in fear. He’d sensed the rush of excitement as her heart sped up, as her blood pumped harder, plumping her vein in anticipation of his bite.

She would come so beautifully when he finally bit her. Just as she was coming for him now.

He stroked his tongue over her clit a final time, then came up on all fours, prowling up over her body until his shaft was nestled between her legs. He bent over and sucked the tip of one full, tender breast into his mouth, and Emma’s violet eyes flashed open. They were glazed nearly lavender with lust as she smiled up at him. And he was gone.

He reached down and positioned his cock against her opening, then thrust once hard with his hips, burying himself deep inside her. Her inner walls, still throbbing with her climax, pulsed along his length, surrounding him in liquid heat. He lowered himself over her, taking her mouth as he began flexing his hips, reveling in the friction of her satiny channel against his cock as he moved in and out of her, the feel of her full breasts, her nipples big and swollen—hard like velvet-covered pebbles against his chest.

Emma wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he kissed her, her legs crossing behind his back as she began to lift her hips up to meet him. He growled and began to thrust harder, wanting to make her climax again, wanting to feel her body clench around his shaft as her juices flowed hot and wet.

“Emma,” he whispered against her neck, breathing in the tantalizing scent of her blood so very close. He stroked his tongue over her vein, feeling the blood straining against its confinement, begging for his fangs.

“Emma,” he repeated intently.

Emma moaned, then licked her lips slowly. Her eyes opened and met his directly. “Do it,” she whispered.

Duncan gave a hard thrust of his cock. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Please, Duncan.” She turned her head to one side, baring her neck, stretching it taut in invitation.

Duncan hissed, his eyelids drooping heavily as lust-fueled hunger roared along every nerve and into every muscle. He bent his head to her neck, his mouth going unerringly to the thick swell of her jugular. Using only his lips, he sucked hard on the vein, plumping it further, drawing it into his mouth without breaking the skin. Emma gasped, and he smiled. He rubbed the blunt surface of his fangs along her neck, gliding them back and forth, teasing her. Emma’s fingers dug into his biceps and her already pounding heart began to race. A sudden tremor of excitement tightened her inner muscles, rippling along his cock, still sheathed deep inside her.

He lifted his head and sank his fangs into her vein, groaning at the rush of thick, sweet blood, fragrant with arousal, as rich as honey. Emma’s hands moved from his shoulders to grip his nape, holding his mouth against her. She cried out in surprise as the euphoric in his bite hit her bloodstream, as if she was stunned by her own body’s response. The ripple of muscle along his shaft quickened, and Duncan began thrusting harder, faster, driven as much by Emma’s need as by his own. Her beautiful violet eyes opened and she stared up at him.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered, and then she was pushed over the edge as her hot, little body clenched, grabbing his cock so tightly he could barely move. Emma screamed as the orgasm rolled over them both, as his own groans mixed with her cries of pleasure, and he shot his release deep inside her womb.

Duncan lay on top of her, breathing hard, knowing he should move. He was heavy, and for all her height, Emma was delicate. But he couldn’t find the strength to lift himself. He lay there a few moments longer, Emma’s arms still holding him, her ankles still locked over his ass. Finally, he reached back and lifted one of her legs. Her thighs fell open as if there was no strength left in her muscles. Duncan smiled and shifted to one side, taking her with him so she lay against his chest, in the curve of his arm.

They stayed that way for a long time, silent, breathing, their hearts slowly returning to normal.

“You okay, Emmaline?” he asked, rubbing his chin over her fragrant hair.

“Okay?” Emma murmured lazily. “Okay doesn’t even come close. Blissed out, maybe.” She lifted her head enough to lick his nipple. “Tell me something,” she said. “Am I allowed to bite you, too?” Her teeth closed over his nipple, emphasizing her words.

Duncan growled, reaching down to squeeze her ass in warning. “Just remember, my fangs are sharper, and you’re very tasty.”

“Hmm. Well, I’m not complaining. As long as I get to bite back.”

Duncan shuddered with pleasure. “Feel free, darlin’. I’m all yours.” He realized as he said the words that it was true. Emma Duquet had somehow managed to do what no woman had since his wife had died nearly two hundred years ago. She’d gotten inside his heart.

Emma gave his nipple another playful lick, then sat up and, humming softly, straddled his hips. The wet heat of her sex teased the base of his cock as she rocked back and forth above him, her hands braced on his chest, her breasts swaying tantalizingly out of reach. He leaned up and caught one in his mouth, sucking hard before she swayed away from him again.

“You’re pushing your luck,” he warned, his gaze heavy as he watched her.

“Sauce for the goose,” she murmured.

Duncan frowned briefly, but decided he didn’t care what she meant. All he cared about was getting his mouth on those beautiful breasts and his dick inside her one more time.

“Come here,” he said, gripping her hips.

“Nuh uh,” Emma replied, continuing to rock, but leaning back so he couldn’t reach her breasts.


“Yes?” she said sweetly.

In a single move, he flipped her over and under him, driving himself deep inside her, exactly where he wanted to be. Emma gasped in surprise and then groaned as he began to move, grinding against her clit every time he plunged into her tight pussy.

“I did warn you,” he murmured, then lowered his head and bit the tip of one swollen nipple, letting his fangs scrape against the soft skin of her breast until blood welled. He licked the blood away, and Emma shivered with a pleasure that matched his own as he tasted her sweet blood on his tongue. He began to thrust harder, wanting to feel her hot and tight as she came around his cock one more time, to establish once and for all that she was his and no other’s. Her stomach muscles trembled as the orgasm began to rip through her, the convulsions shivering down through her womb to race along the slick walls surrounding his shaft. Her sex tightened around him, alternately squeezing and releasing his cock as he continued to slide in and out of her, grinding against her swollen clit.

Emma cried his name when she came this time, her nails drawing blood along his back, her legs crushing the breath from his body. Duncan felt his own release building as his sac tightened and his balls grew heavy. Suddenly, Emma bit his shoulder hard enough to draw blood, and with a shout he crashed over the edge as the orgasm took him.

Duncan didn’t think he could move. A hundred and fifty years of making love to some of the most beautiful women in the world, and for the first time he actually felt drained. Not that he’d have any trouble getting it up again if Emma was so inclined. He lifted his head and gazed down at her, brushing a lock of hair away from her sweaty cheek. He smiled and figured she wouldn’t be demanding a repeat performance for a while at least. Moving carefully, he slid to one side, pulling her with him. She sighed and nestled against his body, her head on his shoulder.

A powerful surge of protectiveness flooded his senses and he had to fight to keep his muscles loose and relaxed so she wouldn’t notice. The urgency to mate, to make her his, had eased now that he’d taken her body and blood. She might not know it yet, but Emma Duquet belonged to him. No other vampire would dare touch her, or they would face his wrath. And his wrath would be a terrible thing when it came to Emma.

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