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Dream Lover

Page 59

Pulling her down more closely to him, McKinnon heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that's settled. Now will you please shut up? You always did talk too much." His lips closed over hers and this time they lingered, straying to her eyes, her nose, her ears, as he showed her with his body how much he loved her with his heart.

At last Charly was able to give him all of her love, in every way she had ever imagined, knowing that the path they were on would enhance the feelings they had for each other, as they learned more about themselves and became more complete, both as individuals and as a couple. She had so much more to teach him - things he was totally unaware of, and things that would change him even more.

Her mind pulled back to the things McKinnon was doing to her and she gave herself up freely to his lovemaking, joining him with passion, love and acceptance of their union.

* * *

"Hi, Little Witch. Did you sleep well?" McKinnon was smiling down at her, his head propped up on one hand.

Charly blinked, stretched, then smiled back at him, pulling his head down for a good morning kiss. He slid back under the covers and gathered her close to him again, groaning as he glanced at his watch.

"Charly, we have to be at the Prayer Breakfast in 25 minutes, looking respectable, presentable, and as though we'd just spent the evening at a boring movie and then went to bed early."

"Well, McKinnon, you got part of it right, anyway." Charly chuckled at him. "What happens if we just spend the rest of the day right here? Do we get hung at dawn?"

"No, but we have every director leering knowingly at us for the rest of the convention and I don't want that for you." He yanked the covers off of her and gave her a little push towards the edge of the bed. "Quick, into the shower, and I'll help you wash."

Hopping off the bed, Charly looked back at him. "I thought you said we had to hurry, McKinnon." She was turning the water on in the shower when the phone rang, so she didn't hear the conversation that followed.

McKinnon grabbed it before the second ring. It was the manager. "Have you seen Charly, T. G.? Nobody seems to know where she is and we're getting a bit concerned." He sounded flustered and McKinnon wondered what the problem was, so he asked. "What's the matter?"

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