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Dream Lover

Page 53

As the day of the convention drew closer, she found herself becoming excited about it, and frequently asked herself why. She went shopping for some new clothes and chose a dress with great care for the banquet that she would be expected to attend. Right up to the last moment, she believed that McKinnon wasn't going, because he hadn't been in her dreams of the convention.

The last minute arrived and she suddenly realized that dreams didn't necessarily tell all. The manager had told her they would be pooling cars for the trip to Toronto to save on gas, and she was to meet the others at the office on Wednesday morning. When she arrived, she found them already loading cars and wondered who she would be riding with, but not really caring.

"Hi, Charly. I've put you in T. G..'s car, if that's okay with you. He seems to be the only one without a full load." She turned quickly and, for the first time, saw him. He was standing beside the black Cadillac, much as he had been on that first day that seemed like years ago - legs crossed at the ankles, arms folded on his chest, and no smile. She looked uncertainly at him, then shrugged and began unloading her things from the back of her SUV.

He was immediately at her side, taking the suitcase and garment bag from her, leaving just her purse for her to carry. He had the trunk loaded and closed in seconds and was holding open the passenger door for her, when it dawned on her that the others had driven off and she was his only passenger. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She only knew she wasn't ready for this.

It was with a feeling of deja vu that she settled in the seat and became resigned to the two-and-a-half-hour trip, wondering if he would talk to her, ignore her, tease her, or make love to her.

"You looked a bit shocked when you realized I was going to the convention, Charly. Why?" He looked sideways at her as he swung the car out into the traffic.

"Because you weren't in my dreams, that's why!" She spoke sharply, still unsettled. "I saw the whole convention in a dream weeks ago and you weren't there, so I assumed you wouldn't be going."

"Who was it that told me once one should never assume anything? I knew we were going together before I left for Australia because I also saw the convention and I definitely saw you there. Relax, Little Witch. The dream said we had a great time, so let's just enjoy ourselves. God only knows, we deserve it." The last was uttered under his breath, but she caught it and found herself smiling.

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