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Dream Lover

Page 14

"No thanks, if it's okay with you. When I'm nervous, I prefer to have something to do. And I don't mind telling you I'm nervous." As she finished speaking, the radio crackled and the announcer advised them that the warnings had been updated to tornado alerts for Central and Eastern Ontario, to be in effect until at least nine p.m.

Ten miles down the road, Charly suddenly started to shiver. It wasn't cold in the vehicle, and she knew it had nothing to do with the temperature. She had had these warnings before. Stopping the car, she turned to McKinnon and said, "Please don't ask any questions and please don't interrupt me for a few minutes. There's something I have to take care of. Just bear with me."

Closing her eyes, she took a couple of deep breaths, and forced herself to relax totally. Years of meditation practice enabled her to shut out all exterior influences and clear her mind. Envisioning the vehicle, T. G. and herself, she imagined a huge golden, impenetrable bubble around the car. She held the thought in her mind, and as a great sense of peace came over her, she opened her eyes.

McKinnon was staring transfixed at her. Come to think of it, he had cause. To suddenly stop driving, ask him to be quiet and then sit back with her eyes shut, must make him think she was losing her sanity.

"Can I ask what that was all about?" He was still staring at her, a frown wrinkling his brow.

Before she could form an answer, she saw his expression change and heard him swear. The SUV was filled with an unearthly roaring, and as they watched, trees slammed down into the road in front of them. The car rocked in the force of the wind and rain, as it drove against them. Turning to look behind, she couldn't see a thing. The windows were streaming with water and the roar of the wind was deafening.

Looking over at McKinnon, she saw the white line around his mouth and his clenched fist as it rested on the dash. Feeling sudden compassion for him, she placed her hand on his thigh for a moment. "It's okay, McKinnon. We won't be harmed."

"How can you know that? Why aren't you terrified? Why did you stop the car when you did? We almost got wiped out." His words came out jerky and grim at the same time.

"I can't explain it right now. Maybe later. Just believe me that we're going to be safe. The storm won't touch us." She quickly withdrew her hand from his thigh.

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