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Down for the Count

Page 11

“Thanks,” he said, not really sure how else to respond. It was a weird spot to be in because she wasn’t his girlfriend, but they didn’t know that. And, judging by the way they were both looking at her, it seemed prudent to keep it that way.

Cyrus handed him a drink. “You can take it in. There’s a bar in the center of the water about halfway down, past the waterfall, where you can set it before the water gets too deep to stand. You go ahead. Nikki and I are going to get some towels and put on some music.”

“Thanks.” He took a sip of the tart drink and padded to the water’s edge. It didn’t drop off like a regular backyard swimming pool. Rather, it sloped downward like a beach. He walked down the gentle incline until he was up to his waist.

“Are you in yet?” Lacey called. “You have to see this!”

Her voice seemed to echo from an outcropping of rocks she had disappeared around. Maybe nymph was the wrong mythical creature. Siren was more like it. He made his way toward the sound of her delighted voice, his pulse gunning like an outboard motor.

The waterfall’s applause must have drowned out his arrival because she startled when he came around the corner. Then she saw him, and her face stretched into a smile.


She led him toward what looked like a tiny pond inside the pool, set apart by a tidy row of stones. In the incandescent light, boldly colored fish swam around in lazy circles, gold, orange, and red. When he moved closer, a few darted away, taking cover under the creamy water lilies that dotted the surface.

When he turned to Lacey, he recognized her expression. She wanted to gauge his reaction. He knew the need to be the person who introduced someone else to something amazing. The phenomenon was one reserved for people whose opinions really mattered. The idea that Lacey wanted to impress him gave him a bone-deep satisfaction, because he sure as shit wanted to impress her. Show her new things. Blow her mind.

His cock twitched, and he struggled to keep his eyes on the fish. No way he wanted to backslide again like they had on the beach, not when they were just gaining ground.

“Cool, right?” Lacey pressed.

“Very. I’ve always wanted a koi pond, but this is over the top.”

“It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t care what I have to do, but some day I’m getting one of these.”

She looked so happy, so fucking hopeful at that moment, he wished he had a camera. Something about a happy, hopeful Lacey made him feel damned good inside.

He handed her the drink. “Want some?”

“Yeah.” She turned full around to face him. Her nude bra was plastered to her like a second skin, but it had stayed fairly opaque. He must have made a sound, some indication of his disappointment, because she frowned.

“You okay?”

“Yep. Fine,” he lied.

She took the drink and sipped delicately. “Oh, yum. I could so get used to this place.”

“Are you glad we came?”

“To Puerto Rico or to Cyrus and Nikki’s?”

“Both. Either.”

She tipped her head to the side and regarded him for a long moment before nodding. “Yeah, I am. When I get back home, I’m going to try to do things differently. You were right about regrets. I think I’m sick of missing out.”

“Are you?” He hadn’t meant the words to sound loaded, but there they were. Dripping with challenge, ripe with questions.

“Yes. From now on, I’m taking every opportunity to try new th—” She paused and her eyes went wide. “Wait, th-that’s not the same thing,” she said, but her voice was so low, he wasn’t sure whether she was trying to convince him or herself, so he stayed silent. “I want to. You have no idea how much I want to,” she added with a short laugh. “But there’d be something hanging over it. Something ugly. And after all the times I’ve thought of—” She took a gulp of mojito, then turned her bourbon-colored eyes on him. “How about a compromise? One kiss, here under the waterfall, so I can remember this exact place and moment of freedom with you. No regrets.”

His mind was racing faster than Usain Bolt at the Olympics. He was so caught up with the After all the times I’ve thought of part, he almost missed the invitation. Almost.

He plucked the drink from her fingers and set it on a flat rock, then took her hand. He didn’t speak as they made their way toward the waterfall, afraid to break the spell. When they reached the shelf of rocks beneath the rushing water, he turned and put his hands on her waist. “Ready?”

She nodded, her eyes wide, and he stepped under the spray, pulling her in with him. For a second, they were pummeled with a hard blast, but then it was gone, and they were behind the wall of water, tucked into the hidden space behind the waterfall.

In spite of her obvious nerves, she stepped closer, bridging the gap between them until they touched. “This is for watching my fights and rooting for me,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “And this is for being brave and accepting my dare.” He pressed a second kiss on the tip of her nose. “And this is for dumping that dickhead Marty.” The next kiss landed on the corner of her mouth, and she parted her lips on a sigh. His heart hammered so loudly, he wondered if she heard it.

“And this one? This one is because I want you so bad, it’s making me question my sanity.” He tipped his head low as blood rushed to his ears, the grind of need demanding that he slant his mouth over hers and take and take and take. But when his lips touched hers, he was consumed by an even stronger desire to sip and nip and taste. He traced her plump bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, then sank his teeth softly into the tender flesh.

“Oh, my,” she whispered.

He breathed in her gasp and smiled against her mouth. “Oh your what?”

“That’s nice.” She shimmied closer to him, wedging herself between the V of his thighs, smashing her soft breasts against his chest. “Again,” she demanded.

He groaned and dove in for more. She wrapped her slim arms around his waist and clung to him, sliding her tongue against his, whimpering low in her throat. She sucked at his bottom lip, each pull of her mouth sending a pulse of pleasure through him. Her mouth was liquid fire, sweet and tart from the drink, and it took all of his will not to consume her. Take complete control of the kiss and more. So much more…

Only a kiss.

She nipped him then, sweeping her tongue over the sensitive flesh on the inside of his bottom lip. Her boldness sent blood rushing to his cock and he tipped his hips closer, trying to ease the ache. She responded with a moan of approval, grinding her pelvic bone against him in the most erotic of dances. Her breasts heaved against his chest, the softness beckoning him. He trailed his fingers from the soft curve of hip over the dip of her waist and traced her rib cage. The pulsing of her hips against him grew faster, harder as his thumb traced patterns right where her bra met skin.

“Please,” she murmured against his mouth.

Goddammit, this was only supposed to be a kiss, his conscience bellowed. But as he pulled back and saw the naked hunger on her face, he could no more deny her at that moment than he could sprout wings and fly away.

He held her gaze as he slipped his index finger beneath her bra strap and slid it slowly down her shoulder. The upper swell of her breast came into view, inch by glorious inch, until the wet fabric caught on her tight little nipple. His cock bucked against his boxers, and he groaned.

“One taste,” he promised, not sure whether he was trying to convince her or himself.

He bent low as he flipped the last bit of satin away from the dusky peak. First, a close-mouthed kiss. Then, the flick of his tongue. She stiffened in his arms.

“Oh my God,” she whimpered.

She trembled against him, and he closed his lips over her, rubbing his tongue against the sensitive bud until she was muttering incoherently, her fingers digging into his scalp, urging him to keep going. The need to obey her unwitting and sensual command, to make her come until her throat was sore from screaming his name, battered him like the waves from a monsoon. Sweat broke out on his upper lip and he trembled with the effort of restraining himself.

Then she moaned low in her throat, a wordless plea, and he couldn’t deny her. Just a little more… He trailed his fingers over the thin fabric of her tiny panties, sliding beneath to cup her heat in his hand. She froze, then cried out, the sound echoing against the rocks. He slid his finger into her wet center, and she closed around him like liquid silk. He wasted no time, and began to fuck her with his finger. In and out he slid until she bore down against him, trying to take him deeper. His heart jackhammered against his ribs, and a growl reverberated in his chest. Using the edge of his teeth, he tugged on her nipple and slid his finger deeper.

“Please, Galen, I—” She whimpered, clutching fistfuls of his hair in her hands.

Her hips fluttered now, moving counterpoint to his thrusts. His name was a litany on her lips and her body tensed, straining against him. She was close. God, she was so fucking close. And his cock was loaded for bear and he was a suck, fuck, or jerk away from the point of no return.

The last working part of his brain sent up a warning flare. They should stop. But, damn, she was so ready…

As if she could hear his thoughts, she froze. “I-I can’t do this. I’m not ready yet.”

He wanted to howl with disappointment, but he knew she was right. She’d feel guilty if they finished this, regardless of the fact that she had nothing to feel guilty for. And no matter what her body was telling him, he didn’t want to be responsible for her regret. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand away, slipping her panties back in place and releasing her nipple with a muttered curse. “You’re right. We should get back anyway.”

Their harsh breaths mingled in the warm night air and she nodded, looking dazed. She blinked up at him and disentangled her hand from his hair. She swallowed hard, her throat working. “I guess we were being rude.”

He held her gaze and traced his finger over the delicate line of her collarbone and adjusted her bra. “I, for one, couldn’t give a shit about being rude if it meant we could pick up where we stopped, but I don’t want you doing anything you’ll regret. This isn’t over, though. Something’s going on here and we’re going to need to figure out what to do about it eventually.” He let his gaze slide down her front to where her nipples still pressed taut against wet satin. “I have several suggestions if you want to hear them.”

Despite the heat in her eyes at his words, she shook her head vigorously. “Nope. That’s a bad idea.” She scrambled backward and then pitched forward into the water. A moment later she was wading toward the patio in a graceless, splashy breaststroke, a frantic attempt to get some distance from him before calling back over her shoulder. “But feel free to write down those thoughts and share them with me after my—”

“Look out!”

His warning came too late as she promptly smacked her head against a decorative stone.

“Son of a—” she mumbled under her breath. To her credit, she barely paused, navigating around the rock and propelling herself forward with a one-armed crawl. “It’s fine,” she called over her shoulder. “Seriously. All good. Barely nicked me. See you back at the patio.”

He winced, although part of him was glad to see some proof that she was as affected by what had happened between them as he was. He gave her a minute to collect herself, another so he could do the same, then followed her. He’d just rounded the bend when he saw Lacey standing in the middle of the pool, frozen to the spot with a bare-assed Cyrus next to her, his arm around her shoulder.

“So,” Nikki said, wading toward Galen. “Did you guys want to do this all together, or are we going our separate ways?” She stood when she reached him, bare breasts bobbing on the surface like buoys.

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