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Don Quixote - Part II

Page 98

During the delay that occurred while the keeper was opening the first

cage, Don Quixote was considering whether it would not be well to do

battle on foot, instead of on horseback, and finally resolved to fight on

foot, fearing that Rocinante might take fright at the sight of the lions;

he therefore sprang off his horse, flung his lance aside, braced his

buckler on his arm, and drawing his sword, advanced slowly with

marvellous intrepidity and resolute courage, to plant himself in front of

the cart, commending himself with all his heart to God and to his lady


It is to be observed, that on coming to this passage, the author of this

veracious history breaks out into exclamations. "O doughty Don Quixote!

high-mettled past extolling! Mirror, wherein all the heroes of the world

may see themselves! Second modern Don Manuel de Leon, once the glory and

honour of Spanish knighthood! In what words shall I describe this dread

exploit, by what language shall I make it credible to ages to come, what

eulogies are there unmeet for thee, though they be hyperboles piled on

hyperboles! On foot, alone, undaunted, high-souled, with but a simple

sword, and that no trenchant blade of the Perrillo brand, a shield, but

no bright polished steel one, there stoodst thou, biding and awaiting the

two fiercest lions that Africa's forests ever bred! Thy own deeds be thy

praise, valiant Manchegan, and here I leave them as they stand, wanting

the words wherewith to glorify them!"

Here the author's outburst came to an end, and he proceeded to take up

the thread of his story, saying that the keeper, seeing that Don Quixote

had taken up his position, and that it was impossible for him to avoid

letting out the male without incurring the enmity of the fiery and daring

knight, flung open the doors of the first cage, containing, as has been

said, the lion, which was now seen to be of enormous size, and grim and

hideous mien. The first thing he did was to turn round in the cage in

which he lay, and protrude his claws, and stretch himself thoroughly; he

next opened his mouth, and yawned very leisurely, and with near two

palms' length of tongue that he had thrust forth, he licked the dust out

of his eyes and washed his face; having done this, he put his head out of

the cage and looked all round with eyes like glowing coals, a spectacle

and demeanour to strike terror into temerity itself. Don Quixote merely

observed him steadily, longing for him to leap from the cart and come to

close quarters with him, when he hoped to hew him in pieces.

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