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Don Quixote - Part II

Page 77

The more the vanquished hath of fair renown,

The greater glory gilds the victor's crown.

Thus the innumerable achievements of the said Don Quixote are now set

down to my account and have become mine."

Don Quixote was amazed when he heard the Knight of the Grove, and was a

thousand times on the point of telling him he lied, and had the lie

direct already on the tip of his tongue; but he restrained himself as

well as he could, in order to force him to confess the lie with his own

lips; so he said to him quietly, "As to what you say, sir knight, about

having vanquished most of the knights of Spain, or even of the whole

world, I say nothing; but that you have vanquished Don Quixote of La

Mancha I consider doubtful; it may have been some other that resembled

him, although there are few like him."

"How! not vanquished?" said he of the Grove; "by the heaven that is above

us I fought Don Quixote and overcame him and made him yield; and he is a

man of tall stature, gaunt features, long, lank limbs, with hair turning

grey, an aquiline nose rather hooked, and large black drooping

moustaches; he does battle under the name of 'The Countenance,' and he

has for squire a peasant called Sancho Panza; he presses the loins and

rules the reins of a famous steed called Rocinante; and lastly, he has

for the mistress of his will a certain Dulcinea del Toboso, once upon a

time called Aldonza Lorenzo, just as I call mine Casildea de Vandalia

because her name is Casilda and she is of Andalusia. If all these tokens

are not enough to vindicate the truth of what I say, here is my sword,

that will compel incredulity itself to give credence to it."

"Calm yourself, sir knight," said Don Quixote, "and give ear to what I am

about to say to you. I would have you know that this Don Quixote you

speak of is the greatest friend I have in the world; so much so that I

may say I regard him in the same light as my own person; and from the

precise and clear indications you have given I cannot but think that he

must be the very one you have vanquished. On the other hand, I see with

my eyes and feel with my hands that it is impossible it can have been the

same; unless indeed it be that, as he has many enemies who are

enchanters, and one in particular who is always persecuting him, some one

of these may have taken his shape in order to allow himself to be

vanquished, so as to defraud him of the fame that his exalted

achievements as a knight have earned and acquired for him throughout the

known world. And in confirmation of this, I must tell you, too, that it

is but ten hours since these said enchanters his enemies transformed the

shape and person of the fair Dulcinea del Toboso into a foul and mean

village lass, and in the same way they must have transformed Don Quixote;

and if all this does not suffice to convince you of the truth of what I

say, here is Don Quixote himself, who will maintain it by arms, on foot

or on horseback or in any way you please."

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