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Don Quixote - Part II

Page 16

"That I will do with all my heart, master," replied Sancho, "provided

your worship will not be vexed at what I say, as you wish me to say it

out in all its nakedness, without putting any more clothes on it than it

came to my knowledge in."

"I will not be vexed at all," returned Don Quixote; "thou mayest speak

freely, Sancho, and without any beating about the bush."

"Well then," said he, "first of all, I have to tell you that the common

people consider your worship a mighty great madman, and me no less a

fool. The hidalgos say that, not keeping within the bounds of your

quality of gentleman, you have assumed the 'Don,' and made a knight of

yourself at a jump, with four vine-stocks and a couple of acres of land,

and never a shirt to your back. The caballeros say they do not want to

have hidalgos setting up in opposition to them, particularly squire

hidalgos who polish their own shoes and darn their black stockings with

green silk."

"That," said Don Quixote, "does not apply to me, for I always go well

dressed and never patched; ragged I may be, but ragged more from the wear

and tear of arms than of time."

"As to your worship's valour, courtesy, accomplishments, and task, there

is a variety of opinions. Some say, 'mad but droll;' others, 'valiant but

unlucky;' others, 'courteous but meddling,' and then they go into such a

number of things that they don't leave a whole bone either in your

worship or in myself."

"Recollect, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "that wherever virtue exists in an

eminent degree it is persecuted. Few or none of the famous men that have

lived escaped being calumniated by malice. Julius Caesar, the boldest,

wisest, and bravest of captains, was charged with being ambitious, and

not particularly cleanly in his dress, or pure in his morals. Of

Alexander, whose deeds won him the name of Great, they say that he was

somewhat of a drunkard. Of Hercules, him of the many labours, it is said

that he was lewd and luxurious. Of Don Galaor, the brother of Amadis of

Gaul, it was whispered that he was over quarrelsome, and of his brother

that he was lachrymose. So that, O Sancho, amongst all these calumnies

against good men, mine may be let pass, since they are no more than thou

hast said."

"That's just where it is, body of my father!"

"Is there more, then?" asked Don Quixote.

"There's the tail to be skinned yet," said Sancho; "all so far is cakes

and fancy bread; but if your worship wants to know all about the

calumnies they bring against you, I will fetch you one this instant who

can tell you the whole of them without missing an atom; for last night

the son of Bartholomew Carrasco, who has been studying at Salamanca, came

home after having been made a bachelor, and when I went to welcome him,

he told me that your worship's history is already abroad in books, with


says they mention me in it by my own name of Sancho Panza, and the lady

Dulcinea del Toboso too, and divers things that happened to us when we

were alone; so that I crossed myself in my wonder how the historian who

wrote them down could have known them."

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