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Don Quixote - Part II

Page 14



The history relates that the outcry Don Quixote, the curate, and the

barber heard came from the niece and the housekeeper exclaiming to

Sancho, who was striving to force his way in to see Don Quixote while

they held the door against him, "What does the vagabond want in this

house? Be off to your own, brother, for it is you, and no one else, that

delude my master, and lead him astray, and take him tramping about the


To which Sancho replied, "Devil's own housekeeper! it is I who am

deluded, and led astray, and taken tramping about the country, and not

thy master! He has carried me all over the world, and you are mightily

mistaken. He enticed me away from home by a trick, promising me an

island, which I am still waiting for."

"May evil islands choke thee, thou detestable Sancho," said the niece;

"What are islands? Is it something to eat, glutton and gormandiser that

thou art?"

"It is not something to eat," replied Sancho, "but something to govern

and rule, and better than four cities or four judgeships at court."

"For all that," said the housekeeper, "you don't enter here, you bag of

mischief and sack of knavery; go govern your house and dig your

seed-patch, and give over looking for islands or shylands."

The curate and the barber listened with great amusement to the words of

the three; but Don Quixote, uneasy lest Sancho should blab and blurt out

a whole heap of mischievous stupidities, and touch upon points that might

not be altogether to his credit, called to him and made the other two

hold their tongues and let him come in. Sancho entered, and the curate

and the barber took their leave of Don Quixote, of whose recovery they

despaired when they saw how wedded he was to his crazy ideas, and how

saturated with the nonsense of his unlucky chivalry; and said the curate

to the barber, "You will see, gossip, that when we are least thinking of

it, our gentleman will be off once more for another flight."

"I have no doubt of it," returned the barber; "but I do not wonder so

much at the madness of the knight as at the simplicity of the squire, who

has such a firm belief in all that about the island, that I suppose all

the exposures that could be imagined would not get it out of his head."

"God help them," said the curate; "and let us be on the look-out to see

what comes of all these absurdities of the knight and squire, for it

seems as if they had both been cast in the same mould, and the madness of

the master without the simplicity of the man would not be worth a


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